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"She's probably in hot topic, to be honest," Halsey pulled my arm to the hot topic in the mall as we were almost instantly seen by Hayley. "Hey losers!" She cheerily greeted us, whilst walking up to us. "Did you come here just to look at your own merch.." I asked suspiciously, as she hesitantly nodded. "You fucking rat."

1:47 PM

"Ray needs to hurry the fuck up," Frank muttered, chugging his water bottle for some reason. "Where even is Ray?" Gerard asked, pacing around the room. "I think the bathroom. At least we only need to record one more song," Frank yawned, running his left hand through his jet black hair. "Mikey, wanna go to the movies with us after?" Gerard offered the blue haired boy, who was too distracted on what was on his phone. "Mikey.." Gerard repeated his name as he got no response back. Frank sighed, walking over to Mikey and bending down a bit so his head was leveled to Mikey's left ear. "Mikey!" Frank shouted in Mikey's left ear as Mikey fell off of the couch he was lying on. "What?!" Mikey stood up, scratching the back of his neck. "Did you seriously not hear Gerard talking to you?" Frank questioned as Mikey looked up. "You were talking?" was Mikey's response as Gerard rolled his eyes. "Never mind, then," Gerard sighed, sitting on the couch that Mikey previously fell off of as Mikey sat in the other side, Frank in between the two. Mikey continued to do whatever on his phone as Gerard and Frank talked amongst themselves.


Moikey: I just fell off of a couch am I cool

(Y/N): yes very

Moikey: bleh

(Y/N): how the fuck did you fall off a couch

Moikey: Frank screamed in my ear

Moikey: and apparently they were talking to me and I didn't hear them

(Y/N): oof and people say I'm a bad listener

(Y/N): and by people I mean Gerard and Halsey

Moikey: friend of the year award

(Y/N): fuck off

Moikey: k bye

(Y/N): noo I love you

Moikey: oof then don't tell me to fuck off, rat

(Y/N): Be quiet, rat

Moikey: make me princess

(Y/N): I am physically incapable of that at the moment

(Y/N): and don't call me that

Moikey: bleh. I gotta go Ray's back

(Y/N): k bye love you

Moikey: love you too princess


"Can you stop texting and enjoy our company?" Halsey grabbed my phone from me. "I was done anyways," I snatched my (wig) phone back from her and put it into my back pocket. "Who were you even texting?" Hayley asked, running a hand through her bleached blond hair. "Mikey, why?" I replied, turning to her as she averted eye contact. "Oh, speaking of Mikey-" Halsey chuckled, leaning her arm on my shoulder. "In my defense, she liked Gerard for six months straight!" Hayley put her hands up, still absence of eye contact. "You are the only one who was uncomfortable in that conversation, Hayley."
"Whatever, at least you guys haven't made out in the girls' bathroom so far.."


RIGHT WHEN I TYPED "SO FAR" THE "SO FAR" PART IN I NEVER TOLD YOU WHAT I DO FOR A LIVING PLAYED AND I WAS LIKE "WELL" AND hello whose your favorite MCR band member mines is Mikey. Also I have "Mikey" written on my wrist in Japanese am I cool

You should follow my instagrams

And maybe hit my Snapchat up

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