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8:03 PM

"I already hate this," I complained as Gerard rolled his eyes.

"Bitch, you got the snazziest date, how could you hate this?" Gerard asked as I chuckled. "FINALLY, SHE COMMITTED TO SOMETHING!" Halsey sho
uted, walking over to the two of us. "Stop, I hate this," I exhaled as Halsey rolled her eyes.

"Well, you have a pretty dress, at least."

-I'm just gonna say this now, the dress is black. It "can look however you want it to, but it's black. Anyways-

"Am I the only one here without a date?" Mikey asked, paying attention to only his phone.

"I'm pretty sure I don't have a date, so," Halsey chuckled, rubbing her left hand through her hair.

"Also, why didn't you just bleach your hair after prom?" Halsey asked, I'm assuming to me.

"Because I can, stop judging me, you basically forced me here," I muttered, sitting at the table that Halsey, Frank, and Alex were previously sitting at.

Well, Alex and Frank were still sitting, but you get it.

"I mean— Gerard asked you and you immediately said yes," Alex stated, putting her phone on the table as I rolled my eyes.

"Still, I don't wanna be here."

"Ugh, you're such a kill joy," Halsey groaned, taking a step forward, then one backwards repeatedly.

[heh I'm sorry but it just fit so well]

"(Y/N) JUST GO," I mocked Halsey's voice as she rolled her eyes.

"Shut up, I do not sound like that," she crossed her arms.

"Yes you do," Mikey and Gerard said in unison, making Halsey a bit more frustrated.

8:47 PM

"I hate this with all of my guts," I muttered. The only people with me at the moment were Gerard and Mikey. Everyone had gone to who knows where.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom," Gerard suddenly said, getting up and walking away, leaving me alone with Mikey.

How dare he leave me with his brother.

His dumb stupid brother.

With a stupid face.

And a stupid brain.

A very pretty face though.

Ugh, stop.

S t o p t h i n k i n g a b o u t M i k e y

You just got over him!

You have a boyfriend!



Dumb pretty boy with a pretty face.

"So.." Mikey broke the short awkward silence between us.

"I still hate you," I muttered.

"Same," he replied.

Every few seconds, I would shift my eyes over to him and he would quickly look back down at his phone.

Rat boy.

Pretty rat boy.


"If you hate me so much why do you keep looking at me?" I asked, sitting up straight.

"Why do you keep looking at me enough to know that I keep looking at you?" He replied, putting his phone on the table.

We looked at each other for a few seconds, no words said between the two of us.

"...Shut up."

"I wasn't talking?"

"Rat boy."

"Hey, no need to name call, rat."

"You just called me a rat."

"Yeah, well I'm not calling you princess."

"Then you should finally change my contact name," I smirked as he switched his eyes from his phone to at me repeatedly.

"I changed it a while ago," he stated, picking his phone back up and shifting his body so I couldn't see his phone screen.

"Mhmmm," I rolled my eyes, picking my phone back up and continuing to scroll through Twitter.

Goddamnit Gerard, get your dumb butt back over here so I don't have to talk to your dumb pretty brother any longer!

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