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2:11 PM

I walked into the fourth full room of teens, placing a pink slip of paper on the teachers desk.

"Sit down," he muttered, pointing to the collection of desks and students. There were only seven other students, which consisted of my friends.

I sighed, walking over to the back row and sitting between Mikey and Halsey.
"What're you here for?" Frank turned around and whispered to Halsey.

"Writing erotic fanfiction during English.." Halsey mumbled as set my bag next to the desk.

"That's my thing, don't steal it!" I whisper shouted as the teacher tapped his pen aggressively against the desk. "How about you?" Frank turned to me as I sighed.

"Teacher caught me texting during class."

"Out of all the times you've texted during class, this is the first time?" Gerard looked behind him, specifically at me.


"Mikey?" Halsey called the boy's name as signaling him to explain his detention. "Same as (Y/N)," he sighed, putting his head down on the desk, using his forearms as a pillow. "How about you two?" I questioned the two boys in front of me.

"I may have broken a guitar or two in the music room.." Frank laughed as we all exchanged looks. "Why?" Halsey's voice was loud enough for the teacher to hear. "Ashley!" He shouted as she rolled her eyes.

"Sorry," she muttered, as Brendon laughed from across the room. She flipped the boy off as he rolled his eyes, turning his attention back to Dallon and Pete.

"I just felt like it. There's nothing really to it," Frank shrugged as we all did too. I then shifted my eyes to Gerard as he began to speak. "I may have corrected Mrs. Trudel one too many times," Gerard ran a hand through his reddish-orangish hair.

"How long are we here for?" Mikey asked, picking his head up. "Like, an hour," Halsey answered as we all groaned.

3:15 PM

"You're all free to go," Mr. McLean lazily gestured his hand to the door as we all jumped from our seats, grabbing our stuff and running out the door.


"So.. none of us drive to school," Gerard stated as we walked out of the school. "Guess like we're walking," Halsey sighed, pulling her phone out of her pocket.

3:47 PM

"Oh shit!" I sat up as Halsey looked at me, confused. "What?" She chuckled, pulling out her earbuds.

"Mrs. Denig still has my phone," I sighed as Halsey groaned. "But I didn't drive here, and I don't wanna walk back to school with you!"

Halsey whined, wrapping her earbuds around her phone. "I have a motorcycle," I smirked, looking over at my helmet.

"Ohh, no, I'm not getting on that thing," she nervously shook her head. "Well, you can't stay here at my house alone," I shrugged. "I don't even have a helmet!" Her voice squeaked. "Use mine," I got up, walking over to the shelf and grabbing my motorcycle helmet off of it.

I turned back around and walked over to my bed again, handing her the black helmet. She took the helmet and gave me a look of spite, "fine."

"Hell yeah!" I exclaimed, opening my closet and throwing one of my many black leather jackets at her. "If Mrs. Denig already left the school, I'm going to kill you," she muttered, pulling the jacket on as I grabbed one for myself.

3:58 PM

"Did you get it?" Halsey immediately asked as I walked out of the school's front doors. "Yup," I replied, popping the p as I shoved the phone into my left back pocket. I looked at Halsey and smiled at her appearance. "What?" She defensively asked. "You're wearing all black with light pink hair, you look like a fucking pastel emo," I chuckled, walking over to her. "Do not associate me with your kind, or I'll cover your eyes once we're almost back to your place," she threatened. "You'd end up injured or dead too, ya know," I raised my right eyebrow. "Ah, But I have the helmet."


What's the first MCR song you heard?

The first one I heard was House Of Wolves, because yeah.

I also have a really weird story behind Teenagers.
So I started listening to MCR on 3/21/13, the day RIGHT before the breakup.
A few weeks after the breakup, which DEVASTATED my 8 year old self, I promised myself I would never listen to them again, because, I was eight.

In November of 2016, my friend Manaiya tried to introduce me to MCR, and I had to pretend I had no idea who they were to h i d e t h e p a i n

Anyways bye

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