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it's because you're insecure.

I looked at her through the screen.

im insecure?


What makes you think that?


Because what?

i know you.

No you don't

why do you do this.

Do what?

you know that we'll just become friends again.
why can't you just be honest with me for once?
for just 4 seconds, could you be honest?

I told you.


The morning came. No screen. An empty room. Nothing ever happens in my life, but I guess I'm not complaining. Sometimes you just need things to be quiet. I'm not a fan of my name being given, more than anything I just hate my name. Hate is a strong word but I guess I don't really mean it in that manner. Call me NAMELESS. I would like that, thank you.

The screen came back.


how are the kids

Go away.

how are you.

Tired, I guess

ok, im getting to the point
we've both been pretty passive aggressive to each other
im trying to make amends with everyone
im sitting here like gandhi right now
im not locking you into another friendship alright
ignore me all you want after this

Good luck Gandhi .


I walk out of my room. I got sick of the cycle. The ground begins to shake. It stopped

it's because you're weak


you just want to be in another relationship


she needs a friend


you can't ignore someone for two months without saying your leave


is all you say no?

I'm pretty sure I have a more broad vocabulary

you can run all you want


you can't just wipe your memory and expect feelings to leave.
you do this every time.
someone "breaks your heart" and you lay down on that bed and delete everything
you might be smart enough to make something like that
but you're definitely not smart enough to understand

Understand what?


No what?

if i told you, you would still never understand

Tell me


You know I hate when you do that

even though you do the same thing?



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