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↭↭↭↭↭↭↭↭↭↭↭↭↭↭↭↭↭↭『❝ Every time you judge Someone, you reveal aPart of yourself that Needs healing

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『❝ Every time you judge
Someone, you reveal a
Part of yourself that
Needs healing.❞』

"Jaemin hyung...I'm okay now, you can umm..Let go.." jisung said while blushing bright red, Jaemin only looked at him and stroke his hair gently before pulling him into a tight hug. Jaemin wiped all Jisung's tears away, smiling at the younger.

"That's good to know, just tell me if you have any problem okay?" He pulled away from the hug, Jisung's head only looked down.

"O-okay hyungie, thanks so much..Is it okay if I sleep here today? My mom...She's kinda..umm.."

"No need to explain, you can stay here. I'll bring you some clothes, you better took a shower first, because your shirt is now drenched in sweat and tears." He chuckled, leaving the younger in his room.

"Jaemin hyung is such a sweetheart..But he's with Jeno hyung. Jeno hyung sure is a lucky guy.." he sigh and lay down on the bed, looking up at the ceiling.


"Dear, who's that boy before?"

"Ah..He's my dongsaeng, his name is Park Jisung. He's having a problem right now, is it okay if he stays?"

"Alright, he can stay."

"Thanks mom, I'll be in my room."


"Hm? What's wrong mom?"

"It's about..Earlier."

"Mom...Let's not talk about this..okay?"

"But you need to know, dear. Just listen to me, sit down."


"Right now. This is serious."


Jaemin sat down, face to face to his mom. His mom have that serious look on her face. Jaemin keeps on playing with his fingers, because he's nervous of what his mom's going to talk about.

"So, Jaemin..Are you dating Jeno?"

"N-no, we are not d-dating.."



"Okay, okay. The person you saw before, he's Moon Taeil, he's going to help you with your social interaction."

"Why would I need him?"

"Jaemin...It's because you lacks in it."

"I don't, mom."

"Yes you do, dear. You should control your emotions more, I'm not saying that you're very aggressive or stuff like that, I'm telling you about your attitude towards others."

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