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↭↭↭↭↭↭↭↭↭↭↭↭↭↭↭↭↭↭『❝Don't look for Happiness in the Same place you Lost it

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『❝Don't look for
Happiness in the
Same place you
Lost it.❞』

"Hyung, I saw Chenle walking to the toilet and I also saw him wiping his face...I guess he cried earlier.." Renjun said to Mark, making a very worried face.

"I guess he need his time alone to think of all the things that happened between him and Jisung." Mark slowly patted Renjun's shoulder, making his way towards Jeno who's now daydreaming.

"Yah, what are ya looking at?" Mark tapped Jeno's shoulder then followed where his eyes leads.

It leads at Jaemin who is now playing and laughing together with Jisung. He didn't mind Jisung playing with Jaemin, at least he can see that smile of Jaemin, that makes him more than just happy.

"I see...Loving what you see?" Mark smirked at Jeno.

"O-of course..hyung."

"Better good luck making him yours."

"I-i will, haha.."

"Well, dont forget about Taeyong hyung's party, Donghyuck told me that your beloved Nana will be there too." Mark said leaving Jeno who was still looking at Jeno with a smile on his face.


"Go get him tiger!" Mark shouted as he get into his class.

"Oh I will.." Jeno said to himself, but then Jaemin noticed that someone was staring at him the whole time.

"Shit.." Jeno quickly looked away, but Jaemin send him a smirk while mouthing, "see you there." And then smiled at him.

(He doesn't wear a mask or hoodie when he's around them.)

"Nana...Stop doing this to my heart.." Jeno said as he clench his shirt.


Jaemin finally can go home and escaped from a dungeon that's called school. Jaemin pulled up his hoodie and wore his mask, then he walked down his way on the street. On his way, he was suddenly surrounded by a group of boys that tried to touch him.

"What do you fuckers want?" Jaemin coldly said as he faced the man in front of him.

"Ooohhh~ scaryy, hmm...Well how nice to see you here, kitten." The guy approached Jaemin closer as he grabbed Jaemin by his chin, lifting it up to face him who is maybe 7 centimeters away from his height.

"Tch, don't touch me with your dirty hand, Hyunjae." Jaemin said coldly as he slapped Hyunjae's hand away.

"Hmm..Now you're really brave aren't you kitten?" Hyunjae smirk at him, Jaemin rolled his eyes and making a disgusted face at him.

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