27: DATE

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『❝Heart breaks when
People change but feelings
Stay the same.❞』

Nomin's date planning ft. The Dreamies FanClub

"So basically, you wanted to have a date with Jaemin on Friday?" #Mark

"Well, yes, but I don't know what to do..I mean, I haven't been hanging out with Jaemin since he got grounded for coming home late." #Jeno

"I don't know bro, I don't think I can help you with this one because I have a date with hyuck that day." #Mark

Jeno sulked and pouted, he's been asking everyone's opinion on what should he do on his date with Jaemin.

After being around the school for the whole break time, he sat on the staircase.

He sigh and looked down to his feet.

"Jeno-sshi?" A girl suddenly came to him, making him looked up.

"Oh hey Kei, what are you doing here in our school?" He asked.

"Well, because our fanclub is here and I need to wait for my brother." #Kei

"Oh yeah, wait, where is the fanclub anyway?" #Jeno

"It's next to the storage room in the third floor, see you there I guess." She left the boy alone.

"Maybe I can ask them." He went up the stairs, following Kei from behind.


"Well hello ladies and gentlemen, I'm back." Said Kei when she entered the room, filled with all the Dreamies's fangirls and fanboys.

"Looks like you brought a little someone there." Xiyun said as he spotted someone hiding behind Kei.

"Oh? Really?" She looked behind her, and there stood Jeno.

"I only brought the new members joining the club, here is Suyeon, Jaemin's little cousin, Ainsley,Renjun's sister, Jade, my dolphin hyung, Mobi, Chenle's other cousin, also Yoo Nari, they said she wanted to beat the haters ass, so I let them in." #Kei

Well welcome to gang y'all:

"Is this the club? So many posters and pictures here, I love it!" #Suyeon

"I guess I'll help with the ship, I'm a hardcore Nomin shipper after all." #Nari

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