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『❝ Hard times will always
reveal True friends.❞』

"Jisung~ah..." Jisung was in front of Jaemin's door, eyes are swollen.

'hufft...He cried again..'

"Jaemin~hyung!!" Jisung hugged Jaemin tightly, his head snuggling into Jaemin's neck, while Jaemin slowly patted his head.

"It's okay...It's okay..I'm here for you." Jaemin calmly said, he brought Jisung to his room.

"Jisungie? What happened to you?" Jeno asked that made Jisung widened his eyes.

"Jeno hyung? What are you doing here?"

"Hm...Should we tell him Jaemin?" Jeno smirked at Jaemin, but he glared at him instead.

"This is not the fucking time to make shitty jokes, Jeno." Jisung sat on Jaemin's bed while Jeno embrace Jisung's shoulders.

"Hyungie..I think Chenle and I can't get back anymore...It's too hard for me and I'm still young." Jisung stared down at his feet, clenching the bed sheets.

"N-no, you young boy listen to me, look at me." Jaemin lifted Jisung's head up, facing him.

"You and Chenle are meant to be together, you two loves each other and nothing changes that, you hear me?" Jaemin lightly tapped both of Jisung cheeks and smiled at him.

"Jisung~ah, everything needs process and every step you take will always leads you to struggle or freedom. Loving someone isn't a simple thing Jisung~ah, you can't always just grab it and then give it, you need to fight for it, clear all the challenges and sacrifice..That's what I did to make him mine how." Jeno glanced at Jaemin. He blushed and caressed Jisung's cheek.

"O-ok hyung...I'll try my best. Thank you so much..You guys are amazing, I don't know what to do without you two!" Jisung hugged both of them while smiling together, they looked like a happy family.

"Well then hyungie, I appreciate all of what you thought me. Now I'll be going back home, my mom is waiting." Jisung waved goodbye then left the house.

"Hmm..Did you really did that much for me huh? Jeno?" Jaemin tugged his lips up, making eye contact with Jeno.

"I did! Hmph! You don't know how much I love you Na Jaemin, it's hard getting you to be mine.." Jeno sat closer to Jaemin, embracing him.

"Who said that I'm yours huh?" Jaemin crossed his arms while smirking.

"E-eh? I th-thought-" Jeno stuttered.

"Nope, being with me ain't that easy dumbshit." He gave Jeno a sassy smile, but Jeno pouted instead.

"But Nana~ I love you~~ give me your love~~" Jeno whined, making finger hearts.

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