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『❝Confidence is like
A muscle. The more
You use it, the Stronger
it gets.❞』

"Mom! I'm home!" Jaemin greeted his mom with an unexpectedly wide smile plastered on his face.

"Welcome back, dear. Oh my~ you brought a little someone eh?" His mom smiles widely when she noticed that Jaemin brought a friend to his house.

"Hey, Auntie. It's very nice to see you again~"

"Awww that's sweet of you, have a seat Jeno." She said as she put the tea on the table in front of Jeno.

"So, what brings you here?"

"Actually...Jaemin brought me here."

"Oh really? That's rare of you, Jaemin." His mom gave Jeno a smirk and he just smirked back at her.

'whats with the two of them?' Jaemin thought.

"Jaemin~ah, bring Jeno to your room and I'm going with you hyung to the market to get some ingredients for tonight's dinner,Kay?"


"Nana~ it's boring~~" Why does Jeno keeps on whining for the past 2 hours!

"Shut up...I'm trying to focus here, it's your fault for not doing your project."
Jaemin scolded Jeno while working on his laptop.

"Nana~ cuddle with me, Nono what's cuddle~~" Jeno asked cutely.

"Ew gross, No." And he gets rejected.

"You meanie!" Jeno pouted, making Jaemin glanced back at him, shooking his head.

"Just....Shut up."

"Hmph Nana play with me, Nana play with me, Nana play with me pwezee pweezeee!!!!"

"For God's sake! Fine!" Jaemin lost it this time, he came closer to Jeno, making Jeno backed away. He learned in and their nose begins to touched each other. Then...

"Ow! What's that for!" Jeno winced in pain as Jaemin flicked his forehead.

"That's for annoying me, you dumbfuck." He said coldly and back facing his work.

"Hmph! I hate you!" Jeno said, that was completely wrong thing to said.

"I know, nobody loves me anyway." Jaemin won't even glanced back at him, it was supposed to be a joke but Jaemin life was too sad to be a joke.

"N-No, Nana I didn't meant it like that~"

"Yeah, bla bla bla, shut up Nojam. I'm annoyed right now."



"See you tomorrow Nana~" Jeno waved his hand at Jaemin then slowly disappearing from his sight.

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