Moment 5: "Passover 2018" (March 28, 2018)

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I always looked forward to our scheduled coffee dates. Once I got my hot beverage and joined Loki at the table, I noticed he was reading an article in one of the various newspapers they have available for the patrons.

"Have you seen this?" Loki asked, handing the paper to me, his expression a pensive one.

I took a look and noticed it was an obit. It was of the man who refused to kneel to Loki in Stuttgart several years ago... The obit was prominent from the others, taking up a quarter page. It had an eye-catching headline in bold, complete with a photo of the man, the usual write up about his accomplishments along with surviving family, and where funeral services would be held.

I put the paper down, and looked carefully at my friend, "are you all right?"

"I'm not sure," he responded, his eyes downcast, staring into his cup, "I still... never understood why he stood up, risking his life like that."

"I do," I said, quietly, reaching out and put a hand on his arm.

Loki's eyes met mine, and I could see how troubled he was about this. His other hand came up to grasp my hand on his arm.

"Please... tell me."

"It's not that easy to explain," I said softly.

Then it came to me.

"Hey, why don't you come over this Friday?" I asked, thinking out loud, "it's Passover eve. I believe I can answer your question," adding with a glint in my eye, "then show you a night that's different from all other nights."

"How could I refuse?" Loki said, a hint of a smile returning on his lips. "What time would you like me to be there?"


Due to the lunar calendar, this year Passover eve fell on Good Friday. I had the day off from work, so it gave me the needed time to be able to prepare for the Seder - the ritual meal - properly. Luckily there weren't too many things that required a huge effort, short of making haroset and keeping an eye on the time while making hard-boiled eggs, along with simmering soup with matzoh balls. The rest was a matter for the oven and microwave. With most of the work done, along with setting up the Seder plate and setting the table, it was time for me to prep myself before my awaited guest arrived.

I got washed and dressed, then put on a simple skirt and fancy top. As I styled my hair, I thought back about what happened during our previous coffee date on Purim. Even though things turned out right, the last thing I wanted was Loki to have a similar experience. I prayed that I would yet again be able to deliver the right words to answer his question to give him a better perspective.

As I expected, Loki arrived on time. When I opened the door... it was quite the eyeful. He was wearing a casual suit with a luxurious scarf and holding a bottle of something in a paper bag. I couldn't help but stand there, mesmerized for a few seconds with a smile on my face. However, it seems I wasn't the only one - my friend was looking at me in a mutual fashion.

"Beverlee," Loki broke the silence - and me out of my reverie, "thank you for inviting me," he smiled and handed me the brown bag.

Accepting the proffered gift and inviting him in, I pulled out the bottle out from the bag.

"Manischewitz blackberry wine?" I said, impressed, "thank you. I was going to serve Kedem grape juice," I then wickedly smiled, "but if we go this route... you might have to stay the night."

"Well," Loki said, grinning, "I'm no stranger to sleeping on the couch."

"That's true," I smiled knowingly, "speaking of the couch, let's head there first."


I could have made Loki wait for his answer by launching immediately into 'Seder mode' and have us go through the fifteen usual steps that were required. However, I realized we seemed to connect better when we just simply talked. Whether or not he wanted to partake in the Seder after was perfectly fine with me. We would just be eating that much sooner or later.

"Loki, I'm going to see if I can help you understand what you were asking me to explain the other day," I began to say, "on Passover, we celebrate how the Jewish People or Israelites as they are also referred, made a mass exodus from Egypt, where they had been enslaved by Pharaoh. It wasn't easy, and the odds were against them. Then along came Moses."

"Moses?" Loki asked.

"Yes. This guy, Moses," I said with some zeal, "he repeatedly told Pharaoh 'let my people go,' and he wouldn't take no for an answer. You could say he was the saviour of the Jewish people."

"Did you say... saviour?" Loki asked.

I nodded.

A thoughtful expression appeared on Loki's face, "Beverlee, I think... I'm beginning to understand."

"You do?" I asked.

"Yes, because I can also relate to this story," he looked into my eyes, with uncertainty, "may I tell you...?"

"Of course, Loki," I said encouragingly, "please do."

With a satisfied smile on his lips, he began to regale me with the story of how Hela, Thor's sister, subjugated Asgard.

A team consisting of Thor, the Hulk, an Asgardian warrior woman and himself, plus some gladiators from a planet called Sakaar took a stand, which in turn brought on events that were called "Ragnarok."

Loki also had played a role in assisting in the exodus of the Asgardians - commandeering a large ship - that belonged to someone called the Grandmaster - for them to embark to escape mass destruction of their realm.

Suddenly, Loki's breath caught in his throat, "so, that's why he stood up to me," a bittersweet expression of understanding started to show on his face.

I nodded slowly, then said, "in a way, like Moses, you both... stood up for your people."

"It would seem my people and yours have much in common," Loki said.

"Yes," I said quietly, looking into his eyes.

We continued to look at each other in silence for a time. Then, Loki took my hand and smiled at me gratefully.

"Thank you, Beverlee."

I put my hand atop his and smiled back.

"Would you still like to partake in the Passover experience?"

"Oh yes," Loki said enthusiastically, "I believe you said you would show me a night different from all other nights?"

I gazed at him with affection and amusement.

"When do we start?" he asked eagerly. 

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