Moment 13: New Year's 2018

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(Read "My Friend Loki: The Price You Pay" for more understanding. )

Loki and I had been summoned to a meeting at the auxiliary SHIELD facility. There was no explanation of what this meeting was about, just time and place.

When I got the text, Loki had been visiting at my domicile for the weekend - and it was a few days before New Year's.

"Are they going to swing the axe, and remove me from the Initiative?" Loki asked, in a worried tone. I could see on his face he was thinking about any misconduct in which he could have been responsible.

"Hey," I said, putting a hand on his shoulder, "there's no way they would get rid of you. Not now, not after everything you've achieved for them," I gave him a sympathetic smile, "I don't believe you've done anything wrong here. SHIELD would usually tell you of such things right away."

"I hope you're right, Beverlee," Loki said, with concern.

"Whatever it is, Loki," I said, "we will deal with it like we usually do. Together."


We sat in the briefing room, a room we had both been in before when I first visited the auxiliary SHIELD facility. Sitting on the opposite side of the table were Agent Phil Coulson and Doctor Tom Lowenstein.

"You must be wondering why we've asked you here today," Coulson said, pouring himself a glass of water from the pitcher that had been placed in the middle of the table.

"You mean, summoned." I clarified, "but yes, we are."

"I'll get right to the point, then," Coulson said, looking at the both of us, "we've recently received some significant information from our R&D Department. They were going over some research on the Mind Stone..."

Under the table, I felt Loki's hand touch mine then grasp it. Without hesitation, I didn't let go.

"It appears," Coulson continued, "that not only does the one who wields the stone can affect others, it also affects the one wielding it." Coulson turned to Lowenstein.

"You see, the stone is so powerful," Lowenstien said, "it causes an amplification of thoughts within the user, so they become influenced as well." He looked at my friend, "Loki, this detail could be the crux of understanding, well in part, your actions when you... what you did... in New York."

"So what does that all mean for my sake?" Loki asked.

"At the moment, not much," Coulson replied, "but... we wanted you to know that upon learning this, Doctor Lowenstein and I plan to get more clarification. It won't be enough to change your current legal obligations with SHIELD, but it's a start, and... we plan to put in a good word for you."

"Your track record with the Initiative has also been more than satisfactory, Loki." Lowenstein said, "you've earned our trust. If you keep up the good work, you will continue to earn the trust of SHIELD even more. While we know the process will be slow and plodding, Coulson and I believe we will see the day when they decide enough time has passed and remove your tracker."

"Thank you for telling me this," Loki said, his voice quiet, "I also appreciate your praise and knowing I have gained more of your favour," he gave a small smile, "you have my promise I will continue to be... myself."

"We wouldn't have it any other way," Lowenstein said with a grin.

"I would," Coulson said coolly, "but we're pretty much okay with it now," then winked.

"Was there anything else?" Loki asked.

"Actually there is..." Coulson replied, "this facility hasn't been in operation very long, but many of the employees requested we hold a New Year's Eve party on the premises. With some assignments, many are not able to make it home to their families, well those who do have families..."

"The Tech Departments were thrilled when we approved their request," Lowenstein said, "and in turn, with what they created, comparable to what they do in Times Square, we thought we'd start a new tradition for as long as this facility exists. Loki, due to your recent achievements, we've chosen you to be the one to activate the 'eagle drop' to signal the start of the new year."

"The what?" Loki asked, confused.

"Loki," I said, releasing his hand and moving it to touch his arm, which made him turn his head to face me, "just say yes. It's simply a press of a button, but to be chosen by your peers for something like this - it's a great honour," I smiled at him warmly.

Loki looked at me fondly, then turned to face Lowenstein and Coulson, "I appreciate the offer, but I don't understand. Shouldn't Thor be the one who does this?"

"It's funny you say that," Coulson said, "once Thor learned what the Tech Department was planning, he lead a petition for you to be chosen."

I could see Loki was taken aback by this.

"Then," Loki said, glancing at me, then back to Lowenstein and Coulson, "I accept." He turned again to face me, now sporting his familiar mischievous smile, "what are you doing on New Year's Eve?"

I smiled back at him, feeling elated.

This was going to be an even better year then the last, I thought excitedly.

[Author's Note: This story was inspired by the following article -

And this interview with Hiddleston & Hemsworth posted above.

I may add to this story later. Due to timing and the occasion when I wrote it - hours before New Year's - I had to keep it short. I just wanted to make sure this plot point was included in my 'verse. ]

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