Chapter 5.

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I take a seat next to him on my couch, and he hesitates before speaking.

"I'm not exactly sure how to approach this one." He starts with, and I can feel my heart rate quickening. The last time I sat down with my father and had a serious conversation, was after my mother's case had been settled, and a man had been put away for what he did to her.

"I'll just come right out with it," he says, "it was Eric." his words echo out into my apartment. What he's just said to me could mean absolutely anything. It was Eric who he recognized from the store years ago and just now figured out that it was him. Or, it was Eric who keyed his car when my dad was 25. Perhaps it was Eric who caused my dad to be allergic to cats. It could mean absolutely anything, but the obvious. I shake my head.

"He killed mom." He finally says it. I feel my rib cage collapse, and the blood in my body feels as though it's evaporated. I stare straight ahead, and I say nothing.

"Eric Sylvester, that's his full name. When you told me that you were working with an Eric, I didn't even think twice. In my defense, it's not like his first name isn't common," he begins to ramble, as he always does when he's upset. I decide to let him.

"I'm sorry I sheltered you from the trial. If I hadn't, you would've seen his face, you would've known his full name. You wouldn't have even considered working with him. You never saw an article or news report on the trial?" he asks. I shake my head, I avoided anything that could possibly remind me of what happened to my mother. After I finally began using my social media and watching the news again, they had moved onto different stories, and my mom's murder got forgotten amongst the sea of tragedies in the world.

"Eva, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." His voice cracks on his final word. I look to him finally, and he looks worn. My heart sinks, and I wrap my arms around his shoulders. He shakes his head continually, and rests his head in his hands.

"You've been working with him this whole time." He states, and finally the realization hits. Eric's first court date was today. He was working on an appeal, he had some new evidence on his side just as my Dad had told me weeks ago. My Dad realized exactly who he was today, and who Donald Sanchez was.

"How could Donald not even realize who you are? I realize he's not his lawyer and has no obligation to stay away from us, but he has to know who Serena Arthur is, and that her daughter is Evangeline Arthur. I don't get it, Eva." He utters to me quietly, and I agree with him. I begin to wonder to myself, was this planned by Donnie? Did he think that Eric working closely with me would lead to me requesting my Dad drop his side of the case? If this was true, how could he do that? How sinister do you have to be?

"You're done working with him. This has now become a conflict of interest, and I forbid you to contact Donnie anymore, and you need to either resign from the program, or speak with another social worker about transferring to a different inmate." He goes off, and I feel shamefully disappointed.

"Dad, didn't you say that you disagreed with the judge's ruling?" I question him, and prepare for a rant.

"Evangeline, he is currently serving a 4 year sentence for involuntary manslaughter and reckless driving. He was drunk driving when he killed your mom. His car was the one used in the hit-and-run, and he was found drunk later. That's proof." He insists, and I can't bring myself to look in his direction when I say what I say next.

"What about what Aunt Xia said?" I ask quietly, and he tenses.

"You're questioning if my brother really was the one behind the wheel? You and I both know he isn't capable of such a thing, and he wasn't anywhere near the crime scene when it happened. That's that." He says sharply, and I realize it isn't up for discussion.

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