Chapter 11

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We both pull away from the hug and refuse to make eye contact. Man this is awkward. Focus Alexis you guys are friends, act like friends. "So the weather huh?" What? Could I have sounded any more stupid! Dylan lets out a small chuckle but nothing else. "Thanks for letting me stop by on such short notice, I hope you didn't have plans."

"No nothing really I was just going to hang out with Britt." What?

"Oh ok." Good act like it doen't bother you, even though it's crushing you on the inside.

"I'm kidding." I look over at Dylan and see a huge smile on his face. That jerk.

I swat his arm playfully and we both lay our heads back laughing. "That's not funny. I thought you were serious!"

"Alexis you have to know what you saw was nothing. I have no feelings for her what so ever."

"Maybe you should tell her that." I spit out angrily before I can catch myself.

He surprises me though when he lets out a laugh. "Ya maybe I should. Now come on." Dylan gets up and extends a hand down to me.

"Where are we going?" I ask taking his hand for him to pull me up off the couch.

"To Hoechlin's, he invited the cast and you're my plus one."

"Oh so now i'm a plus one?" I pull my hand out of his after realizing we were holding hands.

"Yup. Now lets go! We're going to be late." I slip my phone in my back pocket and follow him out the door to his car. "I'll bring you back here later for your car." He tells me sitting in the drivers seat. I climb into the passenger seat and Dylan plugs in his iphone shuffling his songs. The song 99 problems by Jay Z comes on and I sit back singing to the music.

4 more songs come on before we arrive at Tyler's house. He lives in an apartment complex much like Dylan's just a little fancier. We walk inside and turn right heading for the elevator. There are pictures hanging everywhere, much like a hotel you would stay at. Dylan presses the button for the 3rd floor and it takes us up playing really stupid elevator music the whole way.

Once the doors finally open Dylan walks out first with me following close behind. He stops in front of room 315 and turns the knob opening the door. Dylan steps aside so I can walk in and the first thing I see is a huge TV mounted on the wall with a brown leather couch in front of it. To the right is a brown wooden counter top with a fridge and stove placed against the wall. I can hear laughter coming from a room down the hall so Dylan and I follow the noise and end up inside someone's bedroom where everyone is sitting on the floor or bed.

"Hey guys, you made it." Hoechlin gets up and greets Dylan with a bro hug thing and he just gives me a normal hug. Dylan takes a seat on the bed and gestures for me to join him but I just shake my head and sit next to Holland on the floor. I know if I sit too close to him my mind is going to go back to how it was only two days ago and right now I can't let that happen.

"Hey girl. So is everything good with you two then?" Holland asks pointing to Dylan and I. Luckily he can't hear her since he's to busy talking to Daniel about some game he saw.

"Yup we're friends again." Holland gives me a weird look and looks around before leaning in to whisper in my ear. "Are you sure that's what you want?" Of course that's not what I want but that's what needs to happen.

"Yea we were friends before so that's how it's going to stay."

"What ever you say." Holland takes a sip of her drink and offers to get me one.

"Holland she can't! She's not 21!" Dylan jumps up throwing me off guard because I didn't know he was paying attention to us.

"Dylan I can answer for myself thank you." I scold him turning my attention back to Holland.

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