Chapter 12

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"No I'm not going." I tell Leslie for the thousandth time.

"Come on it will be fun and you will end up thanking me later." She takes a seat next to me in the kitchen trying to put on her best pouty face.

"No sorry I'm not going."

"Ughhhh seriously Alexis! Sometimes you drive me crazy!" Leslie gets up taking the keys and storms out the door. I let out a small chuckle as I turn the page of my book and take another spoonful of frosted flakes into my mouth. Man these are good. You never realize how good something is until you haven't had it in a while. I scroll through my contacts looking for someone to talk to and something to do. I see Holland's number but before I can press call I remember it's Wednesday and she has work. Just like all my other friends I've made here.

I keep scrolling and then I find Justin's number, the guy that Leslie set me up on a date with about two weeks ago. Wow I feel kind of bad, I told him I'd call him but it's been like two weeks. I press the call button and on the fourth ring he picks up.

"Hello?" His deep voice comes in through the line. I almost forgot what he sounded like or how sexy his voice is.

"Hey Justin, it's Alexis. We met a couple weeks ago." I hope he remembers me or else this could be very awkward.

"Oh hey, ya I remember telling you to call me sometime. I guess two weeks later is better than never." He lets out a laugh and I join in allowing myself to truely laugh for the first time since I ended all relations with Dylan, which was about a week ago.

"So I was hoping you were free and want to get together. Maybe see a movie or go to lunch?"

"Is Alexis Kentworthy asking me out on a date?" I can hear the sarcasm in his voice and I can't help but to laugh once again.

"Ya I guess I am. Unless you can't then that's fine." I never really thought about it as a date but I I guess it kind of is.

"I'd love to go out to lunch or see a movie with you. How about I pick you up in ten minutes?" I look at the clock and see it's already 12. I nod my head but soon realize he can't see me so I say yes and we both hang up the phone.

I slip on my white nike tennis shoes and grab my phone off the table. I run down stairs real quick to brush my teeth and by the time I come back up Justin is already knocking on the door. I leave a note on the kitchen counter telling everyone where I am before I run to the door opening it up revealing Justin in a pair of khaki shorts and a blue botton down shirt.

"Hey you look great." Justin compliments as we walk to his car. He opens the door for me like a true gentleman and then walks around to the other side to get in himself. "So where are we headed?" I ask turning my body to face him as he starts the car.

"Well I was thinking we could go see that Captain America movie. It's on in like 20 minutes." I nod my head and watch as Justin puts the car in reverse and backs out of the driveway. Honestly I hate superhero movies. I've never seen Batman or and of of the Spiderman movies, it's just not something I'm into. But who knows, maybe it'll be good.


"Two tickets to Captain America at 12:30 please?" Justin asks the lady behind the glass.

"Since I'm the one who asked you out shouldn't I be paying?" I pull out my wallet but Justin snatches it from my hand before I have a chance to pull out the money.

"No because then it wouldn't be a real date." He pulls out twenty bucks from his wallet and slides it under the glass getting two tickets and his change in return. Justin grabs my hand and we walk hand in hand to the theater.

Dylan's POV

"Don't you understand, I have to do this." Tyler speaks his lines and I realize it's my turn.

"But man what if something happens."

"I'll call I promise." Tyler goes again staring at me waiting for me to speak.

"Just- Just..."

"Ok cut." The director yells walking towards me.

"Dylan what's going on with you? You've been out of it for a week."

"I need a break." I walk off back to my trailor hoping to get some peace and quiet for a little bit. Sadly I was mistaken that that could actually happen because soon after Tyler P walks in. "Man what's going on?"

"Just leave me ok alright." I turn back around facing out the window.

"Is this about you know, Alexis." I tense up at the sound of her name and I think Tyler noticed when he places a hand on my shoulder.

"Look man there's other girls. One's that are going to be here longer than just the summer." Tyler's attempt to make me feel better isn't working.

"I know but she doesn't want anything to do with me. I like her, I really do but we aren't even allowed to be friends."

"Man don't you understand that pushing you away was her way of saying how much she likes you!" I turn around to face Tyler and there's no sign of sarcasm or him lying. "Well she's got a funny way to show it." I let myself smile briefly and I see Tyler do the same.

"That's girls. Who knows what they think?" We both laugh and I follow Tyler back to set to finish work for the day.


Alexis's POV

"That movie was awesome!" Justin boasts turning down the music in the car so we can talk.

"Ya it was ok."

"You didn't like it?" Justin looks slightly dissapointed but he covers it up well. I miss how Dylan was never afraid to show his true feelings around me. What? No I don't miss anything about him!

"No it's not that. It's just I didn't see the first one so I was a little confused it." Justin nods but doesn't try to explain it to me so I just let it drop.

"Well thanks for the movie. I had fun." I tell Justin reaching for the door knob to let myself out of the car.

"I'll walk you." Justin gets out and holds my hand as we walk to the front door. I stop once we reach it and turn to face him as he still holds me hand.

"Well thanks again. We should do it again soon." I try to pull my hand away but instead Justin pulls me closer bringing his lips to mine. It catches me off guard but I soon relax into the kiss. I let him pull me closer as I wrap my hands around his neck.

After a couple more seconds I pull away releasing my hands from his neck. "I'll see you later ok?" I nod my head and watch as Justin walks down the driveway getting back into his car. Wow did that really just happen?

"I see you move on fast." I jump and let out a small scream as I hear a voice behind me. I turn around and see Dylan standing in my driveway with an angry expression on his face.

"Dylan what are you doing here?" He walks closer to me allowing me to see him fully because of the porch light.

"Well I was going to tell you how sorry I am for everything that has happened and ask for a second chance, but I see you've moved on. That's fine, I'll uh leave you alone." He begins to walk away and for some odd reason I let him. I let him walk down the driveway, I let him get in his car, and I let him drive off down the street. What is wrong with me? Why can't I just admit that I like Dylan?


I know I am soooo sorry it took me so long to update. The only excuse I have is that I'm running out of ideas. I have one major plot idea but that won't be towards the end of the book so I need some ideas until the end. Please comment or message me with any of your briliant ideas. Glittergirlygurl this is where I need your help! Where are all your brilliant ideas!

Twitter: NicoleMichels21


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