Chapter 25

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Very important authors note at end. Talks about other story ideas! VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!!


After dinner Leslie offers to wash the dishes so I can go over to Dylan's for a bit. Getting in my car I start the engine and blast Mayday Parade from my phone. The song Jamie all Over comes on and I sing along as I drive down the street. 

When I make it to Dylan's I get out of my car and lock the doors before I walk into his building. When I reach his room I knock twice waiting for him to open the door. The door opens and Dylan's standing there in jeans and a black t-shirt. I will never get over how good he looks in casual clothes like this. A smile's on his face as he opens the door wider allowing me to step in. I greet him with a kiss and walk over placing my jacket on the chair in the kitchen.

"You look great." He places his arms around my waist, leaning into him I smile and say a small thank you. "I was thinking we could go out and celebrate." I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck. "What could there be to celebrate?" Dylan's smile is replaced with a smirk and I smack his arm lightly before joining in his laughter.

"I would love to. Let me go change." I move my arms from him allowing him to disappear into his room. Taking a seat on the couch I pull out my phone and pull up twitter scrolling through my feed. There's lots of photo's of Dylan and I spotted at different places including when we were at the pier the day I told him I loved him. We look so happy and the comments made me smile even more. Most said how cute we looked and how lucky we were that we had each other. Very few said mean comments including one that said I was still just after his money and I was no better than Britt. I'll be honest that one stung a little but I'm not going to let it ruin our perfect night.

Dylan comes out moments later with a small velvet box. "What's that?" I ask as Dylan places it in my hand. "I thought this could start off the celebrations." I smile before opening the box and inside is a key. "Since you're going to be living here I thought you could use your own key." I don't answer, instead I throw my arms around his neck and attach my lips to his. 

I pull away after a few moments and walk out the door with his hand in mine. We get to my car and I watch as Dylan opens my door for me before getting in the passenger side.


"So where are we going?" Dylan asks for the 100th time. 

"I told you, it's a surprise." I reply trying so hard not to get annoyed.

"Well does this surprise have to take so long?"

"We've been driving for less than 20 minutes." I laugh as I see Dylan cross his arms over his chest from the corner of my eye.

"We're here." I announce as I put the car in park and take the keys out of the ignition.

"You took me to a night club?" Dylan asks looking a little skeptical since I can't drink.

"Not just any night club." Dylan looks around and by the way his facial expression changes I know he figured it out. 

"This was the club we were at when we first met." A smile reaches my face as I pull him farther in the club. "Now go sit down. You'll be the insanely hot guy sitting at the bar next to me talking to me about how little fun we're both having." He lets out a low chuckle but none the less complies and sits on an empty barstool. I join him a second later and order the same thing I did last time, three shots. 

"Hi I'm Dylan O'brien." Dylan sticks his hand out and I look at it for a second before reaching my hand out to shake his. "That's the way I wish I would have introduced myself." I hand Dylan a shot and we both take one.

"Hi I'm Alexis Kentworthy and my friend has this ridiculous idea of doing a summer of nothing but boys. Now I don't want to participate so keep that in mind if anything happens between us." I can see a smile forming on Dylan's face which causes one to come to my lips as well. Dylan leans in closer until he's only a couple inches from my lips. "Now I like that introduction much better." My smile grows and instead of letting the conversation continue I crash my lips to his.


That's it guys! The end of Summer of Boys. I know sad. But don't worry I will write an epilogue. I don't know when it will come out but hopefully soon. Thank you everyone who has read my story and I hope you'll read my other stories. Now I wrote a one direction fan fic called The Concert That Changed My Life about a year ago and just never published it. Would you guys be interested in reading that? If so I'd love to publish it on here. I'll give you the summery.

Nicole Johnson is your normal teenage girl. Plays sports, goes to high school, and loves the band One Direction. When her best friend gets them tickets to a show her whole world changes when she bumps into a certain irish boy on her way to the car.

There you go I hope you guys are interested!

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