Chapter no.4 - Cookie Cutter

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Your POV       The pen feels like it falls out of my fingers when I sign the last signature on the form

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Your POV
The pen feels like it falls out of my fingers when I sign the last signature on the form. What have I done? Was this smart? I should just rip up the papers and leave. I am so stupid. Those thoughts flood my mind like a thunderstorm, raging on with ravenous wind. My breath hitches as I stare at the paper scattered with white lies all over it. To stave off any confrontation of this false information, I write a small note on a sticky note and attach it to my paper, leaving it on Weatherbee's desk. I feel like I'm ten feet tall as I strut down the halls of my new school. However, the pestering feeling of anxiety nips at my gut. This isn't in any sense a good idea but, this place makes me happy and isn't the real reason I left home to find happiness? My mind, once again, floods with thoughts of where I'm going to sleep, what I'm going to eat, and how I will clean my clothes. With eyes squeezed shut, I try to push those thoughts away and focus on how truly happy I am in this moment.
         "Did you do it?!!" A peppy voice squeals from behind me.
         "Wha- oh, yeah!" I explain as I turn to see Betty's bright face shining back at me.
         "That is just amazing! I am so excited! I can tell we are going to very, very great friends!" She starts to ramble, but I hear and appreciate the sincerity in her voice.
          "I should probably get goin'," I explain, trying to get out of the conversation so I can find somewhere to sleep tonight.
         "Oh, well, if you want...there is going to be a small sleepover tonight between Veronica and I at my house. We can help you get ready for your first proper day of school tomorrow!" She exclaims with her hands clasped together.
         "Um, I don't think I'm enrolled in school yet. I just singed the papers, and my parents haven't even signed their share of it," I chuckle nervously, but staying at her house tonight would be a huge help.
          "Honestly, the serpents we're at their school one day and here the next. I bet Weatherbee's already printing your schedule as we speak," Betty elaborates as I stand there with a confused look.
           "You'll be fine, c'mon!" Betty reassured me after she notices my expression.
           "Uhhh...yeah okay!" I say and a huge smile spreads across my face.
          "Great! Here's my address. Be there at 6!"  She says flamboyantly as she writes her address on my right wrist with a blue pen.
          Before I can respond, she is already skipping down the halls and toward the doors to rejoin her group working on their project. I laugh to myself and bask in the feeling of being happy.

      The cold air of 5:30 at night nips at my neck as I walk down the street Betty lives on. I pull my green army jacket tighter around my arms in response to the frigid air.
        "Boo!" A voice shouts from behind me, followed with thudding footsteps.
        "Nice try!" I laugh when I realize the voice belongs to the one and only, Archie. A shirtless Archie.
         "You'll catch a cold like that," I say, trying not to stare.
         "Hasn't happened yet!" He laughs and shrugs his shoulders.
         "What are you even doing here?!" I ask in confusion as to why Archie was running on this street.
          "I live right there," He says, pointing to the house next to Betty's, "and I try to run once a week, so that's what I'm here,".
          "Ahh, right next to Betty. Try not to snoop on us tonight," I tease and turn towards Betty's house.
         "I see how it is, (y/n)!" His laugh gets softer the closer I near the house.
          Once I'm inches away from the door, something in me freezes up. Warmth is seeping out of the front door and the smell of something freshly baked wafts through the cracks in the door. The door is decorated with an ornate wreath that smells of fresh cinnamon. I couldn't help but think of how perfect this home is and how is it everything I've always wanted in a family. I knock on the door sheepishly. In a matter of seconds an older woman with dirty blond hair and a blue sweater on answers the door.
       "You must be Betty's friend. They're in the kitchen. I'm Alice Cooper by the way, Betty's mom!" She cheerfully says and opens the door wider for me to step inside the warmth.
        "Aye! (y/n)!" Betty yells from the kitchen and Veronica is laughing. They are covered in flour and there are cookie cutters scattered across the table.
         I softly laugh and place my back pack on a chair when I enter the kitchen.
        "Wanna help?" Veronica asks while pressing a tree shaped cookie cutter into a blob of cookie dough.
        "Yes, haha!" I say through a laugh and pick up a star shaped cookie cutter.
         We talk for a few minutes until we have almost every cookie ready to be put in the oven.
         "So, Toni seemed pretty into you," Betty says bluntly as she pops a chocolate chip into her mouth.
          My mouth falls agape and Veronica just nods in agreement with Betty, a quirky smile on her face. 
           "Nah, she's not into me, I, just haha no!" I say nervously. Truth is I did think Toni was cute and so interesting, a feeling like this had never happened to me before and I didn't know what it was. I'm sure Betty just means into me as a friend.
            "Okay, whatever, you excited for tomorrow?" Betty changes the subject with a laugh.
             "Very!" I say truthfully with a smile.
             "Please God, tell me you brought something cute to wear!" Veronica states, waving the rolling pin in the air.
             My mouth shuts and my hands feel clammy. I only had one outfit left I hadn't worn yet and it would not be Veronica Lodge approved.
             "I don't think it's anything impressive," I laugh nervously and look down at my shoes.
             "Don't worry, we've got you. You can wear something of mine,or my moms, even something my older sister left!" Betty explains and places the sheet of cookies in the oven.

Hours later we are all laying around in Betty's room, the plate with the cookies on it is almost clean. We had all slipped into some pajamas and gotten ready for bed. As the hours slipped away, a nervous feeling resurfaced in my stomach. What if this all backfires and turns out to be a horrible choice? That nasty thought resurfaces in my brain.
        "I think I'm turning in for the night because we have to wake up early to plan the perfect outfit for (y/n)," Veronica states and smiles at me before she rests her head on a cream colored pillow.
        "Oh shoot yeah me too, I didn't realize how late it got!" Betty says as she looks at the clock that read 1:25 am.
        "Haha, goodnight guys," I laugh and lay down as well.
         I close my eyes and try to fight off all my nerves. Hopefully, tomorrow will go well and I won't have anything to worry about anymore. I bask in the smell of cookies and the feeling of genuine company and warmth. For the first time in years, I feel safe.

hey lmao I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I had 3 band concerts, 5 finals, and I moved houses so lol it was hrs to find time. but that isn't an excuse! I'm back now and there will be lots of new chapters :) just a reminder to check the playlist chapter! thank you so so much for 700+ reads, like?????! I don't understand what I did to deserve this, you're the best.
xox kendall

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