Chapter no.16 - Riot Night

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The darkness of night still lingers in the air when Betty pulls out of my embrace and wipes her red eyes. Before any of us can say anything, Betty's phone starts to ring. She sniffles and pulls her phone out of her jean pocket. I take a few steps back to give her space and look around the backyard; the snow has stopped falling, it is now replaced with a gentle sprinkle of rain. A gasp pulls me out of my thoughts, Betty has her hand over her mouth and her eyes are huge.

"Cheryl, a-are you okay?" Betty questions with panic residing in her voice.

"Okay, okay. I will," Her voice turns stone cold and is almost quieter than a whisper.

She presses the red end button on her phone and stares at the wooden ground of the porch for a moment.

"Are you okay? Is Cheryl okay?" I ask, trying to get her attention.

Without looking up, she responds, "there is something I haven't told you,".

She cautiously turns to me and her lip slightly trembles.

"(Y/N), I have reason to believe that my dad is the Black Hood," she says with no waver in her tone.

How could she have just said that? It can't be him, can it? Betty's father, the man whose roof I've been living under for a month, is the infamous killer?

"(Y/N)..say something," Betty's carefully says with concern in her voice.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I inquire, I feel hurt that this big, big secret was unknown to me till now.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't sure. Cheryl is the only other person that knows. She was just attacked by the Black Hood and she told me she hit him with an arrow in the shoulder. If my dad comes home with a hurt shoulder, t-that means my father is the Black Hood," She starts to break down into a sob. I let go of all my feelings of betrayal and pull her into a tight hug.

It's my phone this time that starts ringing, but like a domino effect, Betty's goes off again. I snatch my phone out of my jacket pocket and read the screen. Toni. I quickly press answer, I'm immediately greeted by the sounds of shouting, shooting, and screaming.

"(Y/N), (Y/N), are you out here?" Toni frantically questions.

"Toni? Where? What do you mean? Where are you?" I worriedly ask a million questions.

I hear a faint sigh of relief on the other line over all the chaos.

"It's madness out here, Fangs just got shot. (Y/N), I don't know what is going to happen," she stops for a moment just as a wave of even louder screaming erupts, "I'm just so glad you're not here in the middle of it, but whatever you do, do not come to the street North of Ble--"the call drops suddenly. My head fills with worry, did something bad just happen to her.

I turn to warn Betty, but she is nowhere to be seen. Damnit! The backdoor slams open as I sprint inside, crazily looking for Betty and shouting her name. The sound of a car engine starting directs my attention to the front door. I almost slip and fall as I yank the front door open to see Betty sitting in the drivers seat of her mom's car. Without a second thought, I carry myself as fast I can to the back of the vehicle and stop with my arms out stretched. Betty violently opens the car door.

"(Y/N), GET OUT OF THE WAY!" She screams.

"Betty, you can't go. All of the main streets are filled with chaos. You could get hurt," I attempt to reason with a shaky voice.

"I know, FP called me. My dad is at the hospital with a wound in his shoulder. You know what that means, (Y/N). I have to stop him before he hurts anyone else," She yells, I can hear the pain in her voice, but I can't let her go.

"I'm sorry," She gently says.

Sorry for what? Suddenly, she begins to speed out of the driveway, I jump back into the grass frantically, one millisecond aways from getting run over. I prop myself up on my elbows after getting knocked down to the grass on my back. The small car starts to speed down the road, into the impending chaos. I lay there, frozen.

Out of nowhere, my head is struck violently, accompanied by the thunking sound of the object with my skull. Everything goes dark.

hey guys!!! eeeek almost done with season 2 writing. have u guys seen season 3 premier yet? it was intense and really good. comment what you thought of it. ALSO!! this means a lot to me if you guys would do this. I have an editing account but I had to delete it at 700 followers :( I made a new one a couple months ago but i don't feel good about it . if you don't mind, if you want, go check it out and maybe follow its Instagram @/p.resumptuous ! thank you sorry for self promo :( <3

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