Chapter 3~

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~ "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them FEEL "~

Niall's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning with my body aching but it's not like I couldn't handle it. I feel this on daily basis but I think everything hurts more today because it finally hit me that Zayn doesn't love me anymore. It literally hit me. I move slowly and grab my jeans then sit back down on the bed. I pull out all the things in my pocket to see I have my phone and wallet. I sit there for a moment when I notice a white piece of paper on the floor. I lean forward and pick it to see what it is. I opened the little piece of paper and remembered it's from Josh. I look down and read the writing on the paper, Niall, give me a call when you have the chance. I would really like to talk. (jjj) jjj-jjjj ~Josh I feel my heart beat quicken... Does he know? Is he going to tell someone? What's going to happen to me when Zayn finds out? I shake my head to get rid of all these thoughts and grab my phone. I dial Josh's number into the phone and hover my thumb over the call button. If I call what will he say? What if he thinks I'm pathetic? I shut my eyes tightly and quickly just click the call button and put it to my ear. I open my eyes and stare at the wall waiting for him to answer.


"Hey, Josh its Niall."

"Niall!! Hey, are you okay? I was worried when you left!"


"Explain fine? I know Zayn gives you the bruises by the way he grabbed you so roughly yesterday."

"I didn't lose a lot of blood this time so I'm fine."

"Oh, Niall that's not fine at all he's not suppose to hurt you."

"I know that..."

"Then Niall why are you still with him?"

"I love him..."

"I understand I guess... Are you hurt really badly?"

"Um, no just a few bruises here and there nothing big."

"But that is big Niall. Where are you? How are you talking to me?"

"I'm in the guest room... I kind of ran out of the room and cam-"

I get cut off by the door slamming open. I jump scared and instantly stop talking. I quickly put my phone on the bed so it looks like I wasn't on the phone.

"Who are you talking to Niall?" Zayn questions.

"N-Nobody... I was just sitting here..."

"Give me your phone."

"What? Why?"

"Because I fucking said so!!"

I grab the phone but hang up and I lock it so he would need the password to open it. I hand him the phone and watch as he turns it on to see it's locked.

"Why did you lock it?"

"Because... I-I wanted too..."

"What's the password?"

"I don't have to tell you."



I snatched the phone from his hand and stood up before running into our bed room. I grabbed clothes to wear and went to shower. When I came out fully dressed and went downstairs to the kitchen. I could see a very angry Zayn sitting there. I quietly walked passed him. While he watched me sending daggers into my back.

"Do you have anything to say to me?" he asked.

I looked at him with a questioning look.

"Um, no? What would I have to say to you?"

"Well, you could fucking tell me your cheating on me."

I look at him dumbfounded. He seriously thinks I'm cheating on him? I would think he's cheating on me.

"Why would I cheat on you? I love you! You're the one that's a fucking..." I say but stop my sentence.

"I'm the what? Fucking say it."

"Your... you're...the... I don't know..."

"Bullshit. Say what you were going to say."

"No, you're a fucking asshole."

I close my eyes and wait for a hit somewhere around my face. Just as I think he won't hit me I feel a stinging sensation in my cheek. I move away from him and look at him. I see guilt flash in his eyes and he walks closer to me as I step away.

"Niall, Baby, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hit you honestly..."

Just as I think I'm finally standing up against him. I feel my walls break and I fall back under his spell. I nod my head and walk over to him kissing him sweetly. I'm not the one that usually wants to make love but I want to now. I kiss him harder as his hands wrap around my waist I feel his hand tap the back of my thighs his way of telling me to jump. I jump and wrap my legs around his waist as he carries me upstairs while I continue to kiss him. He drops me on the bed and takes off his clothes then begins to take off my clothes. He kisses down my chest until he reaches my boxers. I pull him back up and kiss him softly wanting this to be love not rough sex. I flip us over so I'm straddling him and quickly remove my boxers before sinking down on his length making us both moan. His hands go straight to my hips as he holds them gently. I place a hand on his chest before slowly moving up and down while moving my hips making us both feel pleasure. Making love with him hasn't been like this for at least two years. He's always forcing it on me and he isn't making love to me. He's just having sex with me. But, I don't want that. I want him to show me he loves me and make love to me with passion. This is how I want it to be. I quicken my pace so I'm bouncing on him faster until we both reach our high and are panting. I fall on top of him exhausted while he wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead. Why can't he be like this? Loving and sweet. Maybe I shouldn't push it. I'm lucky enough that he's being sweet now. I pull off of him and fall next to him. I watch as he slowly falls asleep. I grab my jeans and take my phone out to see a text from Josh.

'Are you okay?'

'I'm fine... :) I'll text you later...'


I put my phone away and stare at the ceiling hoping things will get better. I'm tired of being beaten. What has to happen for him to stop? All I want is his love... is that too much to ask for? I need to stop thinking so much about this. All it does is gives me more questions I don't have answers too. I turn on my side and watch Zayn sleep. He looks so innocent and sweet. I smile softly and kiss his lips gently before cuddling into his side and falling asleep. Hopefully things do get better soon...

HI!!! Soo, they made love... Josh knows... Nosh are friends. Zayn is feeling a few different kinds of feelings but you guys will soon learn Zayn's p.o.v on everything. Next chapter I will be skipping a few weeks ahead to keep it going. I know this chapter sucks but I hope you all like it. I love you all!! Oh, um... I'm sorry but if I could at least get 5 or 3 comments that would be great!! :) ~ PUNK NIALLER





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