Chapter 20~

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Chapter Song~ Heart don't fail me now courage don't desert me don't turn back now that we're here people always say life is full of choices no one ever mentions fear or how the world can seem so vast on a journey to the past somewhere down this road I know someone's waiting years of dreams just can't be wrong arms will open wide I'll be safe and wanted finally home where I belong well starting now I'm learning fast on this journey to the past home love family there was once a time I must have had them too home love family I will never be complete until I find you one step at a time one hope then another who knows where this road may go back to who I was on to find my future things my heart still needs to know yes let this be a sign let this road be mine let it lead me to my past and bring me home at last ~ Journey To The Past -From: Anastasia

Zayn's P.O.V

It's been like a dream come true being married to Niall. He's been really happy for the last few weeks. The boys are happy. Everyone is just in a really good mood. Louis birthday is coming up and he's going to be four. So soon enough he'll be going to preschool. Liam has started to talk about nothing to big just a few words here and there. At the moment it is Saturday and it's about nine in the morning. Everyone is up and doing different things. Niall's making breakfast Liam and Louis are watching Toy Story. Harry and Hunter are texting their loved ones. I'm watching my Husband make breakfast.

"Zayn, stop staring."

"But, you look so handsome cooking as my husband."

"Are you saying that when I wasn't your husband I didn't look attractive cooking?"

"No, love you just look extra amazing now."

I said winking at him. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist kissing his neck. I bit down around his collar bone making him moan softly. I continued to kiss his neck only to be stopped by my oh so lovely sons.

"Ewww... We're still in the kitchen!!! Keep the PDA down!!"

Harry complained. Hunter laughed and nodded his head in agreement.

"Oh hush Harry! You don't hear us ever tell you anything when your swallowing Luke's tongue!"

I taunted. He turned a beet red and Hunter burst out laughing. Niall hit my chest but I felt him laughing. Harry punched Hunter but Hunter just laughed louder. Niall finished cooking and gave all of us our breakfast. Hunter went and got Liam and Louis. Niall fed Liam while I fed Louis his pancakes. Once everyone finished we all headed to the living room to have a relaxing day watching tv and just a fun movie night. The day dragged on and the sun slowly went down. We were all being lazy only getting up for food or to go to the bathroom. As a family we would choose what movie to watch and of course Liam would put his opinion in screaming Toy Story. Soon I heard frantic knocks coming from the front door. I looked at Niall and he shrugged. I got up and went to open the door. What I opened the door to shocked me.


She looked up at me and ran into my arms hugging me. I wrapped my arms around the sobbing girl rubbing her back softly.

"Shhh.. calm down love. Everything is okay... Niall!!" I called out.

I closed the front door and held Sarah tightly. She cried holding me just as tight needing the comfort. Niall walked out of the living room not noticing Sarah in my arms just yet.

"What's goi- Sarah?"

He said stopping mid sentence. He rushed over and Sarah slowly lifted her head looking at him with tears rushing down her face. Niall opened his arms before speaking.

"Come here love, what's wrong?"

She slowly walked into his arms and tried to calm down but the tears just kept streaming down her face like a waterfall.

Abused But Loved (Ziall Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now