Chapter 13~

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Chapter Song~ This line is words you said have all gone to my head I hear angels sing in your voice when you pull me close feelings I've never known hey mean everything and leave me no choice light on my heart light on my feet light in your eyes I can't even speak do you even know how you make me weak I'm a lightweight better be careful what you say with every word I'm blown away you're in control of my heart I'm a lightweight easy to fall easy to break with every move my whole world shakes keep me from falling apart make a promise please you'll always be in reach just in case I need you there when I call (here when I call) this is all so new seems to good to be true could this really be a safe place to fall  Light on my heart Light on my feet Light in your eyes  do you even know you make me weak Oh ohhh I'm a Lightweight better be careful what you say with every word I'm blown away you're in control of my heart I'm a lightweight easy to fall easy to break with every move my whole world shakes keep me from falling apart keep me from falling under in your love it's almost too much handle with care say you'll be there I'm a Lightweight better be careful what you say with every word I'm blown away you're in control of my heart  I'm a Lightweight easy to fall easy to break with every move my whole world shakes keep me from falling apart keep me from falling keep me from falling apart ohh falling apart ~Lightweight By: Demi Lovato

Zayn's P.O.V

It's been two weeks since they left. I watching them all leave just broke me completely. I guess I took advantage of the fact that Niall loved me. I thought he wouldn't have to strength to leave me but now I see I underestimated him. I want him to come back I love him. I love all of them. It kills me to know that he might not come back. What do I have to do to get him back.  I've stayed locked in the house for the past two weeks not leaving my bed. I haven't gone into work. I haven't moved. My life is over. It may sound like I'm being dramatic but I'm not. Niall and the kids were my life, my everything! Now that they're gone my life is over. I stare at my phone wanting him to call. I sobbed for about a week but soon ran out of tears.  I want my phone to vibrate and have his beautiful face pop up on the screen letting me know he's calling but no nothing. Not a text or phone call has been made to me from him. I think what hurt the most out of everything was him taking of his ring and giving it back to me. I don't want it. It's his it's suppose to be on his finger. This is all my fault. If I hadn't hit him at all he would still be here with me. I miss him so much. I pick up my phone and put in my password. I go to my calls and click on his name.  I listen to it ring four times. Just as I think its going to go to voice mail he picks up.



I say with my voice cracking.

"Z-Zayn... What do you want?"

"I want you to come home. "

"That's not going to happen. I'm sorry."

"Why not?! Niall, what was the whole reason you left? You were just fine when I had left for work. What happened that made you want to leave. "

"I-I'm preg- ... No, I left because you need to understand you can't hit me anymore. You thought so little of me. You thought I was to weak to leave you and this is my way of showing you I've had enough."

"Okay! I've learned my lesson!! now please come home. I need you Niall."

"You didn't seem to need me when you were beating me. "

I stayed silent not knowing what to say.

"Look Zayn. I have kids to take care of and I have one on the way. So, just deal with being alone. I'm sorry but I can't have that question sitting in my head. 'When is he going to hit me again?' "

Abused But Loved (Ziall Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now