Chapter 17*~

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Chapter Song~ Drag my hand behind you like a chain behind a truck sparks over your carpet while I chase you through the darkness somebody's supposed to fall in love but nobody even calls somebody's supposed to tear this place apart until you find me hiding silently I wait you'll be excited just to see me someday everything's okay summer and gold throw their colors at the dark a mother tells her son, " darling look at the sparks " but you hold my attention without even trying beautiful reflection from fireworks eyes but never means forever desperation and hanging in the backyard at night somebody's suppose to fall in love tear this place apart until you find me hiding silently I wait you'll be excited just to see me someday everything's okay love don't forget to bleed so slowly haunted hearts we melt over the fabric of your floor I'm holdin' her just like she's gold but I've been running from the sun oh no, no and if I ever catch the one who hurt you I'm hoping that god looks away this time why would I let you go? why would I let you go? why would I let you go? why would I let you go? tear this place apart until you find me hiding silently I wait you'll be excited just to see me someday everything's okay~ The New National Anthem By: Pierce The Veil

Zayn's P.O.V

Everything has gone back to normal or at least what we consider normal. Niall has been slowly planning the wedding. Which I have been gladly helping with since we have two little boys and two big boys to take care of. I walk into Harry's room and quickly shake his body.

"Wake up Harry you're going to be late for school!"

"Mmmm.. go away!"

"Harry! I gave you ten more minutes to sleep in but you have to get up now."


I groan as this child pushes my buttons. I walk into the bathroom and fill a cup full of cold water. I walk back into Harry's room and raise the cup right above his head.

"Get up Harry or you'll regret it."

"Ugh, can't I get five peaceful minutes? Go away."


With that I dump the cold water on his head making him jump up and look at me with slight anger and disbelief in his eyes. He mumbles curse words as he stomps off to find clothes to change into. I smirk and walk to Hunter's room. Now it's time to repeat.

"Hunter wake up!"

"Noo it's to early! Fuck off!"

I swear they aren't morning people at all. This time I just dump the water on his head and walk out hearing him cursing as I walk downstairs towards the kitchen. I walk in and sit on the table.

"I can hear Hunter and Harry cursing. So I'm guessing you did something?"

"I dumped cold water on their heads."

I answer my fiance simply.

"Zayn! You just have to wake them up by gently shaking their bodies and whispering for them to get up!"

"I tried that! They told me to fuck off! You seriously need to have a talk with them about speaking like that to us."

I say sternly really not liking the way they spoke to me even though I know they're just grumpy.

Niall sighs and continues feeding Liam while rocking him slowly.

"Daddy! Can I have pancakes for breakfast?"

Louis asks with a pout on his lips.

"I'm sorry baby but I'm a bit busy. I have to take care of Liam I don't have time to make pancakes. But, you can have yogurt? How does that sound?"

Abused But Loved (Ziall Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now