Chapter 15 ~

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Chapter Song~ I love it when you just don't care I love it when you dance like there's nobody there so when it gets hard don't be afraid we don't care what them people say I love it when you don't take no I love it when you do what you want cause you just said so let them all go home we're out late we don't care what them people say we don't have to be ordinary make your best mistakes cause we don't have time to be sorry so baby be the life of the party I'm telling you to take your shot it might be scary hearts are gonna break cause we don't have the time to be sorry so baby be the life of the party  together we can just let go pretend like there's no one else here that we know slow dance for the love as the club track plays we don't care what them people say we don't have to be ordinary make your best mistakes cause we don't have the time to be sorry so baby be the life of the party I'm telling you to take your shot it might be scary hearts are gonna break cause we don't have time to be sorry so baby be the life of the party~ Life Of The Party By: Shawn Mendes

~8 months pregnant~

Niall's P.O.V

I walked into the kitchen to start making breakfast for everyone to see Harry eating cereal. Just as he spotted me he got up and put his bowl in the sink then walked upstairs.  They were still on break and Harry has been distant. We've all tried to make him spend time with us but he doesn't. The only person he doesn't ignore is Louis. Whenever Louis calls him or asks him something. He's there and always answers. When we call him down or ask him a question. He doesn't answer us or comes down stairs. I sigh a deep breath before making some breakfast. I feel tears well up in my eyes and curse my hormones for making me so emotional. Before I know what's happening I'm sobbing and arms are wrapping themselves around my body.

"Baby, what's wrong?"


"What did he do love?"

"W-When I came in here. He j-just got u-up and left."

"Baby, he's going through something. Maybe we should give him some space."

"W-What do you mean by 'space' ?"

"Like stop questioning him, stop asking him to come talk to us or spend time with us. Maybe we should just leave him alone completely and wait until he wants to talk to us."


I turn around and wrap my arms around Zayn's neck hiding my face in his neck while he comforts me.  I let go of him and turn back around to finish cooking only to have his hands grab mine.

"Go wake up Louis and get dress. We're going to go nursery shopping today? How does that sound?"

"That sounds perfect. Thank you"

I say as I turn around kiss him sweetly before heading upstairs. I walk to Louis room and open the door quietly to see Louis with his little bum in the air. His soft snores filling the room. I smile and walk over to pick him up. I lay his little body on me before walking back and forth rubbing his back.

"Wake up baby. We have a big day today. "


Louis whined out as I walked downstairs for him to eat breakfast before I dress him. I walk up to his little high chair and try placing him inside. But he grabs on to my shirt not letting go of me.

"Baby,you need to let go of me."

"Nooo daddy me want to be with daddy."

I look at Zayn to see him smiling at us. I sigh giving in knowing I can't say no to my little boy. I pick him up again and sat him on my lap when I sat down.

Abused But Loved (Ziall Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now