The Talk

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As I was walking to the cafeteria Bora and Hoseok came in different directions.

"Minji-ah~" both of the said. I got really frustrated because I had to get to Hansol as soon as possible.

"Oh hey guys!" I said in a nervious tone.

"Woah what's wrong?" Said Bora. I gave her the stare and she just gave me a nod.

"I got to go guys I'm sorry but it's really important." At this time I was ready to run.

"Oh yeah, everything's fine. Go" I heard my cue to go and I started to run.


As I was running pass a table my eye caught Hansol's wavy hair.

He was eating so peacefully with Woozi and Mingyu on his side.

As I was approaching the table Wozzi came running to me. When he got to me he hugged me with all his energy.

"I got- to- liiiive!" I said looking for air.

"Oh I'm sorry I thought you were Minji" he said letting me go.

"I am Minji. Just dressed as a nerd" I scratched the back of my neck.

"Wha-" I cut him off

"Sorry but right now the one I really gotta talk to is Hansol. So if you excuse me..." I walked to the table and grabbed Hansol's arm dragging him out of the cafeteria.

I didn't care what the girls were saying about me. But this boy is going to learn how to shush his mouth.

I dragged him to the back of the school and sit him on a bench.

"Okay Hansol, listen and listen good. My name here at this school is KIM Minji. HERE in this school I'm a nerd that nobody likes. And in THIS school I am not friends with idols. You can't reveal my cover Hansol. Please promise me that"  as I was finished with my little speech I found him looking at me with the most adorable pout you will ever see in your entire life.

"No idol friends???" He sounded like a little kid being scolded.

"No idol friends" I said back.

"Fine I'll promise not to bother you but I can't  promise I won't talk to you" he smiled 

"Hansol please" I begged.

"Minji we barely have time to be with each other because of our schedules. I don't want to not use my opportunity" I felt bad now. 

"You know that I might end up hurt if we hang out here.... specially because every one knows me as a stupid nerd" I felt like crying now but I kept my feeling to myself.

"I will protect you Minji I will always be there too" he grabbed my hands. "Look at me" I did

"If anything happens to you and I'm not there to do something about it then you can take your own path" I stare really hard on his eyes. I found a sincere feeling. I loved that. He is actually being serious.


Hoseok's POV

I can't, I just can't. I've been telling this to myself for the past 15 minutes since Minji ran away. I've been wanting to just run after her and see what she really is. I am 1000% that she has a secret. The fact that I am not aware of this is bugging me. F*ck this. I stood up from my seat making the rest of Bangtan plus Bora look at me. 

"Woah there boi. Where is you going?" Bora said making most of Bangtan laugh.

"Uh... the bathroom I'll be back though" I didn't even smile.

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