Koko Frake Juice

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***Vieiana Lehenderson POV [#[^]#[*[*[{%]*]%*

when I got done devouring my bottom lip and arm skin I decided I needed a drinky winky. SOILED IT. SOILED IT. SOILED IT. SOILED IT. after considering the percussions I realized it was time to get me a decade's worth of soil to drink when I need something to quench my throat.

I went out into my bakyard, got a beeg pan, and began digging. Samantha thought it would be fun to crap on the pan so now I'm gonna have a big loaf of Samantha crap mixed in with my tropical mixture. no biggie

after digging for 17 hours, 46 minutes, and 2 seconds, I decided I had enough soil. I went inside, bagged all of my soil in ziplock bags, and stacked them up in a massive box. I closed the box, wrote "to: obama frm: me with love" on the box and got ready to ship it off to new mexico where all the lost alpacas roam in freedom.

it was a RLLY RLLY RLLY RLLY RLLY RLLY RLLY RLLY RLLY RLLY RLLY RLLY RLLY RLLY RLLY RLLY fun day. I thought I might just consider hanging on to that obamaistic memory for my decade lifetime my kids from fishbowl, Tennessee.

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