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*Giez POV[%]%]>\>€[^[^]\<\%[*[**


action involved giez

giez omg giez you giez almost have me at six hund reds omg giez that's amZing giez I love you giez so much 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 giez

wen I turned my laptop off I thought it would be cool to set it in the floor, get a destructive sledgehammer, name it Mina, and smush my favorite computer so it won't have to suffer living a life with me because I freaking suck :).

I got my luggage, packed for a 17.5 year trip, and went and sat in a bowl of ketchup. now my butt will smell nice for all the milkshakes and giez

when I started panicking in a full on panic mode I went and grabbed a ped-egg. I turned it on high and pressed it to my tongue. it ripped my flesh and my mouth was engulfed in blood. so good

I saw a pink dream catcher hanging on my wall and it reminded me of something. little Evan named his crap paper towel roll after a purple bookbag. that seriously irked me oh my god

I was severely agitated so I went to Evans house. I had a large chainsaw in my hands and decided to saw through their front door so I wouldn't disturb their calm souls.

when I got in, I saw an out of shape man who looked to weigh about 639 pounds and 88 ounces. I decided it would be a yummy treat if I were to saw his gut out to make a nice bowl.

the man was screaming to the top of his

lungs as I chased him. I thought this was just him being a funny and nice loving man that he is.

I caught up with him and grabbed him by the scalp, where it wouldn't hurt him. I planted a kiss on his eyeball. it left a pink lipstick stain on his green pupil. it gave me fangirl feels like omg

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