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The weekend went by in a breeze and I was not ready for what I was about to witness on Monday; Zion and Malu hugged up each other. I was shocked , surprised, but more importantly hurt. I wanted to say something but my feet wouldn't allow me to move, I wanted to cry but no tears seemed to fall. I did tell him I didn't want to have anything to do with him, so evidently this was my fault. I get distracted by Christille who wrapped me in a hug and honestly I was so happy to see her. I plant a kiss on her cheek as tears fall down my face.

"What's wrong Faith ?", she asks concerned.

Christille turns to see the sight and is instantly filled with anger and rushes over to them.

"What is going on over here?", Christille yells.

Zion is lost for words and Malu is smiling like she won a trophy. Christille is bipolar so she smacks the taste out of Malu Mouth and Edwin and Zion grabs her.

"Why y'all didn't let her beat her up?", Some girl named Danielle asks .

Zion looks at me with sorry eyes and my heart drops. I look down at my feet and follow after Christille, I mean this was partially my fault . We get in the office and Zion stands between Malu and Christille. I hold Christille's hand and Edwin holds her down.

"Zion I don't know why you're standing there cause if I'm going to get her ima get her?", Christille says shaking.

"It's not even that serious Chris", Zion says.

"Are you defending her and your girlfriend is sitting here", Christille asks slowly standing here.

"Baby Chris calm down", Edwin says.

"Are you defending him?", Christille asks Edwin pushing him into the desk .

She walks over towards Zion and gets into his face and mugs him. Malu looks scare and gets out of her seat and walks towards the door.

"Where you going", Christille says following her.

"Christille?", I call her grabbing her arm.

Christille stands in place and looks at me with troubled eyes. When she finally realizes what she did she punches the wall. Christille was a smart girl that made good grades but the sightest ticked her off and the only people who could control her was me and her dad but he was in jail for 25 years for ofc killing their mothers.

The principal comes out and we all turn to face him.

"What in tar-nation?", The principal yells.

The sight is funny; Edwin is on the floor speechless , Zion holding Christille back and Malu hovered in a corner. I couldn't even explain how funny it was; I busted out laughing. The principal stuck us all in his office and of course suspended Christille for 3 days and gave Malu detention for a week. I was let off scotch free, the end of the day couldn't come fast enough and I head after to Christille's house .

I knock on the door and Edwin answers.

"Hey faith wassup?", He answers in just his boxers.

"Hey I thought you'd be single by the end of the day", I reply jokingly.

"Lol nahh I know Christille is crazy but that doesn't mean leave her and I've dealt with her for 3 years now. I've had worse done to me", He says smiling.

"Best friend", she says jumping on me with nothing but Edwin's shirt.

"Hey baby can you put some clothes on?", I ask as her kitty brushing against my leg.

"Oh Faith shush", she says blushing .

"Thanks best friend for sticking up for me", I says planting a kiss on her cheek.

"Anything love that's what best friends are for, you might be quiet but I'll never forget when you beat Tiffany up for me", Christille says climbing back over towards Edwin.

"So are you done with Zion?", Edwin asks as Him and Christille stare a hole into my face.

"I don't know honestly", I said truthfully .

I didn't know how to feel about this, I loved him and He loved me but I wasn't officially his girlfriend. Malu was his first love and she could take him back anytime she wanted even though he said he only wanted me. Zion wouldn't lie to me though, would he?

"Don't be so hard on yourself faith or Zion. I've known both of you for a long time and I'm sure he wasn't intending on hurting you", Edwin says.

I know he was right but it still hurt me to see him with the girl he claimed he didn't care about. I was being stupid though that was his first love , he was going to have feelings for her no matter what? I got my hopes up and that's why I'm so hurt now. I erased the thought from my head and got off Christille's bed.

"Guys I'll see you later I got to be at work?", I say leaving Christille's house .

I get into my car and head to work. The rest of the night goes by slowly and I'm ready to pull my hair out. No calls from Zion nor any messages. Maybe he wanted to hurt me and he was done with me and this was the easiest way to tell me he was finished with me. I did say I didn't want anything to do with him and maybe he was fulfilling my wish. Deep down I was heart broken and honestly I knew it was for the best.

The rest of work dragged out and finally I clocked out. I head out to my car to see Zion standing by my car.

"Faith", he calls me .

He was making me weak but I couldn't give in.

"Zion what do you want?", I ask all serious.

"You, I want you", He admits shocking us both.

"But what about Malu?", I ask with my arms crossed .

"What about her?", He asks .

"Y'all were all hugged up, what do you mean?", I ask .

"I was just telling her I was over her and our relationship was over and we were only going stay associates. Basically I was giving her closure ", Zion assures me.

"Promise", I ask.

"Promise Faith I only want you", he says walking towards me wrapping me in a hug .

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