Fight the Fish

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"W-Why... Why..." Was all the motherly monster could asked, her words stuck.

"Sans would never stoop so low! He's too much of a jerk!" Undyne shouted, making the sleeping monster flinch.

"Please refrain from shouting... He needs his rest..." The monster murmured.

"Who are you and how can you touch Sans?" Asgore growled, summoning his trident.

"I am Xasilinta... I am the God of Protection and Passion, though mostly Protection." Xasilinta bowed his head in a form of respect to the others.

The blue fish woman growled softly. She didn't like this thing one single bit.

"I'm the Goddess of Protection." She hissed.

"No. You are the Goddess of Justice and War. Justice and Protection are two very different things." Corrected the new god, a sly smirk on his lips at the open mouthed Goddess.

She growled at him, summoning her weapon. She really didn't like him. He was a smartmouth type person, one was enough, two was hell!

"You. Are. Not. Needed." She hissed, her spear ready.

"Excuse me?" The tone that the other used was the type of tone a mother would use when someone insults their kid. "If it wasn't for me, your friend would be nothing more than dust." Xasilinta hissed, anger seeped into his words.

"Why the hell is he even depressed!" The fish screamed, jolting Reaper awake.

"W-What..." He looked around, taking in everything.

The concerned looks as well as the angry one that Undyne held for his savior... The confusion and intensity of the room was deafening...

Reaper tried to get up and move away, but the new god wasn't having any of it! He pulled the grieving god into his lap and hugged him, murmuring calming things into his ears as he rubbed the other's back.

For some odd reason... The older god felt... Relaxed... At peace in the other's arms... The words making him lean even more in, wanting to hear more of them. His body went limp into the other's arms, sleep tugging him once more.

"Sans!" Undyne ripped said monster away from the younger god. "Stay away from him, you little bitch." She hissed, her love instantly coming up to try and calm her down.

"U-Undyne! S-Stop th-this!" The small monster cried out, trying to keep the situation from getting too far out of hand.

"No! This punk is trying to trick us!"

"You're always stubborn." The younger god muttered, summoning his own weapon.

The metal spear was slimmer than Undyne's blue one, but his was much stronger than hers. It radiated power and demanded it from everyone. King Asgore shivered at the feeling of it!

"You want to fight, punk." She grumbled, her eye glowing.

"I don't fight unless it's to protect and clearly, I have to protect your own friend not only from himself, but from your unwillingness to trully see." Xasilinta's voice was sullen as his eyes darkened.

The fish hissed, jumping at the new immortal. He smirked as he appeared behind her, grabbing her by her flame like hair. Using a little bit of his strength, he flipped her over and kneed her in the gut.

"GAH!" She coughed up a small amount of blood as she was tossed to her king's feet.

"Justice may change, but Protection can't be altered." Xasilinta told the woman, staring her down.

"What the hell does that mean?" Undyne hissed, being held back by her king.

"It means, the meaning of Justice can change. Justice can become Vengeance. Protection cannot." He glared at her, daring her to say other wise.

Undyne kept quiet, a scowl on her lips as Asgore let go of her.

"W-Why don't we all sit down for some tea?" The motherly monster whispered softly.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea, My queen." 

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