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I was in the SAVE SCREEN. The place was as dark as always. The two words glowing brightly... Yet, it was as if nothing was being lit...

I walked deeper into the dark land, not sad... Not upset... But... Calm... Like someone was there... Waiting for me... But... Who?

Sitting on the patch of green grass was the one person that I thought I'd never see... The one monster that stole my soul and died with it...

I gasped, choking on the air that I was breathing as tears fell from my eyes. It couldn't be them... It just couldn't!

The skeleton looked my way, their white eye light smiling at me.

"Hi, Reaper." They purred as they walked to me.

I shook my head, backing away... No... I couldn't do it! I couldn't do it!

"N-No..." I muttered, stumbling back as they continued to walk to me. 

"What's wrong, Reaps?" They asked, their voice filled with concern. "You look like you saw a ghost." They laughed.

I fell backwards, landing on the harsh floors. They giggled as they quickly sat on top of my stomach. 

Their smile made my soul swell... Their giggle relaxed my body... 

"G-Geno..." I croaked out.

Geno nodded, smiling down at me. He held my face with his hands, holding me still. 

"I've been waiting for you~" He purred, his eye changing... The top was the usual cyan blue and the bottom it's red color... But he wasn't angry... Nor was his eye flaming... Something was wrong...

"P-Please get o-off of m-me..." I whispered, trying to move away from him.

He frowned at my request... Like what I said was odd... He was dead... This was a silly dream...

"Why? Don't you love me?" He growled, his eye flaring instantly. "Don't you care about me anymore!" He screeched, his hands moving to my neck.

I started to cry, I wasn't able to respond. .. I didn't know how to respond...

"G-Geno!" I sobbed out, shaking as he slowly tightened his hands. 

The look on his face was of murder! I made him mad... How could I make him mad... Why can't I be happy that I can see him here... Why must I ruin everything?

"You don't care anymore! You don't care that you took my life! That you killed me! That you took my soul! You're the reason that I'm not here anymore!" He shouted, raising one hand to hit me... But it stopped...

The scene changed to somewhere else... The beach... The beach at sun set... 

I no longer was on my back, but sitting up... Someone was sitting next to me... I tried to look at them, but... I couldn't...

"I love the sunset... It's rather calming..." A soothing voice whispered, the warm breeze spreading their words.

"Y-Yea..." I answered, the fading light filling me with the sense of drifting away... I liked it...

"You know... The stars are never hard too read... They only tell of stories to those that are willing to listen..." The voice continued, a hand pushing me down. 

I laid on the soft sand, gazing at the stars... The night was clear, the stars glowing so many different colors and shades... Their light made the Earth glow faintly, bringing a peaceful aura to it... 

"I'm sorry that I left you..." The voice murmured, their hand rubbing the side of my face. "I didn't mean to leave for so long... I hope you can forgive me..."

I was confused... Forgive them for what... However... The dream faded away as soft lips touched mine... The sparks that glistened reminded me of love and joy and everything that can make someone happy... Everything that can make someone smile and think the world is best place to be...

"I love you, Reaper... I will protect you..." They whispered one last time before it became nothing...

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