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Xasilinta calmly shook the sleeping god. He had been sleeping for the entire night and most of the morning. It was a nice thing to know that they were sleeping so much... But... Reaper needed food as well... He was skinny, even in skeleton standards!

"Reaper... Time to get up..." The God of Protection whispered, lightly rubbing the other's cheek.

The older God groaned softly, but slowly opened his eyes. 

"O-Okay..." The God of Death murmured, rubbing his eyes lightly. "I-I'm up..." He whispered, sitting up. 

"Good... Did you sleep well?" Xas picked up the still tired god. 

"Hm... The best..." He whispered, slowly starting to fall back asleep. 

"Awe, come on now, I want to cook you something!" Whined the younger God. 

The Death God chuckled, rubbing his eyes lightly. He looked up at the other God, trying to find who the truly are... Gods aren't made out of thin air... He was made by magic and bones, his job was to reap souls and make limit to how long you live. Yet... This god didn't have the sense...

"Wh-What's your p-power?" He questioned softly, worried that the other would hate him. It confused him on that worry, but he didn't question it... So many things had been happening all at once... He wouldn't blame his worry yet on an unknown god...

Xasilinta smiled down at the one he's planning on taking care of, no matter what the older one said. The older God looked so adorable when they were confused.

"I am here to protect people... God and mortal. I'm also of Passion... Whether that's love, a hobby, or even a simple trait. But... That's me..." Sili explained with a gentle voice, the same type a mother would use for her child.

Reaper nodded as he was placed in a chair at the bar that was in the kitchen. He silently watched as the other gathered a skillet, some bread, eggs and a few other things. 

He watched with interest as the young god made breakfast. It was toast, scrambled eggs, and bacon with pancakes and waffles. The pancakes and waffles being homemade. 

"Here you go!" Chirped the happy God as he placed a plate in front of the dark one. The Passion God took a smaller plate that only had bacon, toast and a single pancake. 

The gloomy monster looked down at his plate that seemed over stuffed. It had two buttered toasts, a good scoop of scrambled eggs, five bacon slices with three pancakes topped with thick chucks of two cut up waffles drizzled in syrup. 

Picking up a slice of bacon, the nervous skeleton bit into it. His dark eyes widen at the taste. It was juicy, sweet even! It making his mouth water. 

Swiftly the bacon was consumed along with the perfectly toasted toast. With a few bites of the eggs, Reaper had to push the plate away... He felt full... He normally just had a couple of crackers for food... So this was a lot to him...

Sili raised an eyebrow as he finished his plate. 

"You should eat more than that... You should be a bit hungry..." He muttered, his night eyes filled with worry. 

"N-No... I-I'm ju-just full..." The depressed skeleton gave a shaky smile as he tried to eat a little more, just to satisfy the other skeleton. 

"Okay... I'll make you a smaller plate next time." The strange god murmured, smiling gently. "Hey, why don't we have a lazy day? Watch some movies and read some books?" 

Reaper thought for a moment... He still had one last day for relaxing... It couldn't hurt to watch some movies and read a book or two...

"I-I don't se-see why n-not..." 

Xas laughed lightly, petting the older god's head with a smile. He quickly cleaned up his mess while the grieving skeleton picked out a movie for the two to watch... Maybe one with comedy in it?

Yeah... That should put a smile on his face...

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