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Do people truly change of do they just say they did because its what we want to hear. Sometimes you just have to take a chance and hope they don't make you regret it. My name is haleigh and I took that chance but I now regret taking that chance. They girl with trust issues decided to finally trust someone, let's see how long it will take to trust someone else again. You give someone everything and what do they do, they run the second it got hard but come back when things start going good again. He almost ruined everything for me but I stayed by his side through everything. I messed up once and he went running for the hills. Can I just crawl in a hole and die? That would honestly be better than dealing with my life at the moment. Where is summer when you need it most. Instead we are in the middle of winter. Is karma getting back at me, I've thought about killing someone but I've never actually done it. There is nothing I've done to deserve my life going to absolute shit right now. How do people expect me to keep a smile when all they are doing is giving me pity. I would slap or punch them but karma might make things worse. At this point how can things get worse though. Looks like I'm punching someone at school tomorrow. I'm definitely on the naughty list huh? What is that little voice in my head that's letting me say all this like what kind of witchcraft is this. How did I go from thinking how messed up my life is to thinking why there is a little voice in my head. This is gonna get interesting.

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