Chapter 8

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The ride to school was extremely quiet until my brother and sister were off the car. After that, I just wanted it to he over.
" So your mother tells me you have a boyfriend " My dad says. My eyes widen and I freeze.
" He is not my boyfriend. He is simply a really good friend."
" What's the name of this really good friend " He asked but I could tell he wasn't believing me.
" Ethan and you can believe me or not but we aren't dating. Do you know what the surprise is that mom has for us " I asked him trying to change the subiect as quicky as possible.
" Can't tell you that but I'll think you will like this surprise " He said as we pulled up to the high school.
" Have a good day and good luck "my dad said before I got out of the car. I said goodbye then quickly walked to the doors. As soon as I entered the school, I was pulled to the side. I looked up and saw Ethan smiling at me.
" You feeling better now " He asked. All the events of yesterday hit me but I was surprised that it didn't hurt me when I thought about Aiden.
" Yeah much better, thanks for being there for me. You didn't have to stay with me."
" Yes I did. I'm always gonna be here for you so get use to it " He said. I knew he was joking about the getting use to it but I felt comfort in those words but also fear. I could definitely get use to having Ethan there all the time but I was scared that when I did, he wouldn't be there anymore.
" Stop over thinking things " He said then intertwined our fingers. We started walking to our first period in silence. Mrs. Matthews was at her desk doing something on her computer while music played loudly through her headphones. She smiled and waved at us before continuing whatever she was doing. We took our seats and sat there in silence for a few minutes.
" What are we" Ethan asked suddenly. I looked at him, shocked by the question that has been going through my head as well. What were we? Friends, complicated, boyfriend and girlfriend, who freaking knew anymore.
" I honestly don't know anymore. I'm pretty sure you don't go kissing your friend three times. But neither of us has asked the other one out so we aren't dating either. Why is this so complicated?"
" I'll make it easier, Haleigh will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend? " Honor? What in the world. Wait why am I just sitting here instead of saying something.
" Yes of course " I say and he pulls me into a hug. I'm surprised he didn't kiss me. Wait did I want him to. Okay maybe I did want him to. For the rest of the class, we just took notes but I could see Ethan look at me from time to time. I may have started blushing when I caught him staring once.

The rest of the day went on like that until the final bell rung. Ethan and I walked outside, laughing at something someone had yelled out in the hallway about a UFO abducting them. Ethan walked me to my car and opened the door for me. We said goodbye before he closed the door and walked away. I turned to my mom who was smirking at me. I sunk down in my seat and didn't say anything. I just sat quietly until we got home, not even saying anything to my siblings when they got on the car. When we pulled into the driveway I remember my mom saying she had a surprise for us. I turned to her and she knew I had remembered just now.
" I was waiting for it to hit you " She said then handed me the keys. I jumped out the car and ran to the door. Right before I unlocked it, my mom yelled to go to the living room. I threw open the door and ran to the living room. You might think I'm being really dramatic but I love surprises. I dropped my bag and saw someone sitting on the couch with their back turned to me. I immediately knew who it was just by seeing the back of their head.
" Carson " I yelled and ran to him. He stood up and turned around right as I tackled him to the floor. Carson is my favorite cousin and has been my best friend since we were little.
" Did you have to tackle me to the floor, the couch is right there " He groaned. I stood up and held my hand out to help him up. My family finally walked in and saw Carson too. My siblings ran to him and I could tell they were giving him a bear hug.
" What are you doing here " Eli asked after letting go of Carson.
" I'll let your mom explain that little dude." I turned to my mom and raised one of my eyebrows as if asking 'what is he doing here?'
" Carson has gotten himself in some trouble at him old school so your aunt Lizzy thought it would he good for him to have a fresh start. He's going to be staying here till next year unless he gets in trouble again. If he does they will simply just send him to military school."
" I refuse to go to military school so I am going to make sure not to get into any trouble " He says then mumbles " hopefully." I don't think my mom heard him said hopefully which was funny to me.
" What's this about a boyfriend I heard about " Carson asked me. He had a smirk on his face as I glared at my mother. She laughed then walked away to the kitchen with my sister in tow.  I grabbed Carson's arm and dragged him upstairs into my room. He sat on the bed and waited patiently for me to explain.
" They were joking about the boyfriend part, they don't actually know he is my boyfriend since we started dating this morning but I met him on the first day of school and we've gotten really close these past few days and its hard to explain everything. Plus I told him about Aiden." When I said that part, he looked shocked. Carson was the only person other than my parents and siblings that knee about Aiden since I hated talking about it but now it doesn't affect me as much.
" You must trust him of you told him about that " He said and I nodded in response.
" So when can I meet him since I don't start school till next week. They thought it would be weird for me to start on a thursday." Before I could answer him, there was a knock on my door. I got up and walked to the door. I opened it and froze.
" Ethan what are you doing here " I asked.
" What I can't come see my girlfriend " He said with the biggest smile.
" Girlfriend " Carson yelled from behind me. Uh oh.

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