Chapter 11

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Scary movies have always been one of Carson's favorite thing to watch. I never understood why since they always gave him nightmares. Carson would rather die than admit he sometimes get's scared depending on the movie. 

" Are you trying to torture us or yourself " I asked Carson. He continued to stare at the movie but flipped me off without a word said. I laughed to myself then looked down at Haleigh as she tucked herself into my side and closed her eyes. I smiled then turned my attention back to the movie. Soon after, I felt my eyes getting heavier by the second.  

 The next thing I remember is someone shaking me awake. I open one of my eyes and was quickly met with a bright light from the T.v. I turned my head and saw Haleigh's mom standing behind the couch. 

" Your father is here, said there is a family emergency with your brother " she whispered. I could hear concern in her voice even though she shouldn't be. I don't have a brother. just a little sister who's six. 

I thank her and say bye before walking outside to see my dad standing on the porch. I walk straight past him and down the walk path. I swing our front door open and walk into the living room. I turned to my dad right as he closed the door. 

" Is there a reason you made me come home again and said there was an emergency concerning this imaginary brother I apparently have."

" I saw you earlier with that boy, I don't want you near him again, do I make myself clear " he said, making his voice deeper to intimidate me. It didn't work.

" What's wrong with that, last time I checked, I was the screw up and disappointment child. He has done nothing wrong so tell me dad, what is so wrong about being friends with Carson " I said, almost yelling at this point. 

" Your mother had an affair with his father " he yelled. I was in too much shock to realize the world around me was still happening but I couldn't notice it. My father had grabbed the car keys and walked out of the house. I finally joined the real world again after hearing the door slam. I still didn't move as I heard him start the car or when the tires screeched across the driveway. 

I couldn't grasp the concept of my mom having an affair, especially with my best friend's dad. She left a year ago with my little sister Jasmyn. I was at school when it happened, that's what made it hurt more. She didn't even say goodbye to her son. Jasmyn was sick at home that day so I didn't even get to see her that morning. My father use to be a kind and happy man but after they left, a switch went off and he turned into such a hateful person. I did as well soon after that since I didn't have anything left to be happy about. 

 My mind was barely catching up with the rest of the world so I almost missed the knocking at the front door. I forced myself to move my legs and walk to the door. I swung it open and saw Carson and Haleigh standing patiently there. 

" I'm sorry guys but I really can't do this right now " I say quietly.

" We saw your dad leave, we just wanted to make sure you were okay " Haleigh said. Usually her voice could immediately calm me down but not this time. I still couldn't process any of this or think clearly.

" Thanks for your concern but I really just need to think about some things, please just go " I said with no emotion left in me.

" Bro we just want to make sure you're okay, what happened " Carson asked.  

" Ask your dad " I said before slamming the door and pushed my back to it. I slowly slid down the door, finally giving up with trying to fix everything in my life. This couldn't be fixed.

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