Chapter 2

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I stood there frozen, not sure what to do as the person I met 45 minutes ago,  was kissing me. He put his arm around my waist and I melted into the kiss. He pulled away and stared at me. I heard him whisper wow before letting go of me and turning back to the girl he was staring at a few seconds ago. She was no longer smirking, she looked pissed now.
" You seemed surprised that I've moved on Veronica " He said with a smirk.
" Actually, with the reputation you hold im not surprised " She said then turned to me " Good luck with him. I feel sorry for you." Ethan turned to me and was about to say something but I walked away. I sat in the back of the classroom and he came and sat next to me. I'm probably gonna be stuck with him in every class anyways.
" I'm sorry Haleigh, I didn't mean to get you involved but I panicked and did the first think that came to mind " He whispered. I knew a bunch of people were staring at us while also whispered to their friends.
" The first thing that came to mind was to kiss me " I asked him.
" Yes but when I kissed you, I felt something. I'm not sure what it was but I did " He told me. I felt a tap on my shoulder causing me to turn my head. I saw that Veronica girl llstanding next to me with a friendly smile. I'm confused once again. 
" He's said that to a lot of girls. I was his quest last year then he broke up with me. He tries to get with a lot of girls and you're probably his next one. I'm gonna help you out here and tell you not to get involved with this idiot " She says then walks off.
" Don't listen to her Haleigh, she tries to ruin all my relationships after I broke up with her."
" What did she mean by reputation earlier?"
" I was hoping you wouldn't ask about that " He said while looking at the floor.
The bell rung causing the entire class to go quiet. The teacher told us to get to know the people around us so Ethan started talking to me again.
" I was known as a fuck boy at my middle school " He simply said.
" I'm actually not that surprised."
" Thanks " He said blunty.
" I don't know what you're trying to get but it isn't gonna be me. From the few things I've been told, I can tell you are gonna be trouble."
" That's who I use to be, I've changed but obviously people don't see that. Once you get a reputation, it sticks. I know what I felt and I know you felt something too."
" I didn't feel anything " I say while looking down at my hands.
" Oh really " He said. I could tell he was smirking without even having to look at him. He placed a finger under my chin and turned my head so I was looking at him. He slowly leaned in while looking into my eyes. I once again froze, unsure how to react or what to feel at the moment. He closed the gap between us placed his lips on mine. I melted into the kiss and felt more than butterflies. It was an entire freaking zoo. Is the teacher not paying attention. Any normal teacher would immediately tell us to seperate. He pulled away and stared at me.
" You don't feel a thing?"
" Possibly, maybe, yeah, definitely " I say unable to find my words. He laughed and grabbed my hand. I met this boy not even and hour ago and I've already kissed him twice, now we're holding hands. Is this what public school is like? I looked to the side and saw Veronica staring at us.
She mouthed " I warned you " Then turned back to her friends. Ethan saw me looking behind him and turned to see what I was looking at.
" Don't worry about her, she likes to cause problems for me and everyone " He explained.
" Is this what public school is like " I ask him.
" What do you mean " He asked being confused by my question.
" It's only second period and look at what's happened already."
" Good point and no it's not, its just how your life is right now." If only he knew that my life was as complicated as a maze with no end. If only I knew that his was even more complicated.

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