Chapter 5

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I wasn't really looking forward to school when I was woken up by my alarm. It was Tuesday and I was dreading going to school. I didn't roll out of bed this time so I didn't fall on the floor. I slowly stood up from my bed and went into the bathroom. I put on some music then hopped in the shower and got out about 10 minutes later. I was listening to hold on by overstreet. I just stood there and listened to the lyrics carefully. This song reminded me of a time in my life that I was scared to repeat. I never wanted to even think about it. The song ended and I was snapped back to reality. I put my clothes on the fixed my hair. I just braided it and left it like that. I didn't feel like dealing with it today. I didn't want to deal with anything today. I walk out of the bathroom and go to my room to grab my things. I grab my phone and bag then go downstairs for breakfast. My mom was busy so she didn't have time to make breakfast. When this happens I always make pop tarts cause who doesn't love pop tarts.

After all of us had ate breakfast, my mom made sure we had everything then rushed us out the door thinking we were gonna be late. In reality, we were five minutes early from the time we left yesterday.

" Bye kelleigh have fun " My mom yelled out the window purposely trying to embarrass my sister. My sister hides her face and quickly walks into the school. My mom and I laughed as we drove off.
" Please don't embarrass me like that " I beg her knowing she probably will anyway.
" You're in high school, I understand how embarrassing it would be if your mom yells have fun out the window " She says with a smirk.
I know very well that she is still going to do it so I had a plan. I pulled out my phone and texted Ethan to meet me outside when I got there. He replied with okay a few seconds later. when we got there, I saw him walking towards the car. I got out and turned to see my mom raising one eyebrow at me.
" Bye mom love you " I said quickly then closed the door. I grabbed Ethan arm and dragged him into the school.
" Want to explain what that was about " Ethan asked with a chuckle.
" She was gonna try to embarrass me but I knew if she saw you it would distract her while I quickly got out of the car and made a run for it."
" Very nice now do you want to walk around or go straight to class " He asked me. It was nice having Ethan since he's in all my classes so I always have someone to talk to. He never left my side yesterday and most people would find that annoying and clingy but I found comfort in it.
" Straight to class if that's okay with you. I just like enjoying the silence before its filled with people."
" Then straight to class it is " He said. He grabbed my hand and I didn't pull it away. I just intertwined our fingers as we walked down the empty Hall. We still had 20 minutes till class so not many people were here but I like it like this. Not sure why we were both here this early but oh well. I just realized, why am I freaking holding his hand. I've only known him for two days and I'm getting too close to him. Last time I got close to someone, I got hurt more times than I can count. We walked in and saw Mrs. Matthews watching YouTube. I guess she heard us walk in since she quickly turned then sighed in relief seeing it was just us.
" Guess you two really hit it off " She said while motioning to our hands. We both look at our hands then pull away from each other.
" Well today you guys will be doing a question game. I'm gonna give you a list of questions and you can't lie on them cause it isn't fair if the other person tells the truth " She explains. We nod to show we understand and take our seats. We talked about random things until the first bell rang and people slowly started coming in. After the tardy bell rang, Mrs. Matthews started to explain what we were doing to the other students since she already told us. She passes out the list of questions then yelled begin.
" First question is what is your favorite show? Wow these are basic questions " Ethan said.
" Supernatural probably or the walking dead. Next question."
" Favorite song? You answered this yesterday but you got to give an actual answer today."
" Hold on by overstreet." He looked at me confused for a second but then continued with the questions until he had asked me all of them. There was one last question and it threw me off.
" How many people have you dated " He asked but you could tell he was confused as well " You don't have to answer this question if you don't want to."
" No it's fine and only one person." After that, I was quiet for the rest of the class. Why is life trying to remind me of him so much. I want to move on, scratch that, I have to move on.

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