Chapter 7

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After all that, we layed down on my bed and just talked. That's all we both needed right now.
" What's your biggest fear " He asked.
" Athazagoraphobia." I knew he was confused by that but I just stayed quiet.
" I'm not sure what that is so would you care to explain please."
" The fear of forgetting, being forgotten, ignored, or replaced " I explained.
" Wow, that's deep " He said and I could tell he was shocked
" It's like if you get forgotten, no one would be there for you. How can you go through life without a support team. I've always had my parents for my support team, I wouldn't have survived half the things I have if it wasn't for them. I'm also afraid of being alone. The idea of dying and no one being there, that scares the heck out of me."
" Well you shouldn't have to worry about that. You have your family even if your siblings piss you off. You also have me now and I'm right next door or a phone call away. You will always have someone in your life whether you realize it or not."
I didn't say anything, I just rolled over and layed my head on his chest. We just layed there in a comfortable silence. I could feel his chest rising and falling with every breath and it was oddly relaxing. He was also playing with my hair and that was very relaxing. I didn't know what time it was but I was tired. I felt my eyes getting heavy as sleep took over my body.

I was woken up by someone shaking me. I open my eyes and realize I was still laying on Ethan. I jumped up and looked at him, fully awake now.
" It's a little past nine so I should get home soon " He said while sitting up.
" Okay, I'll walk you out " I said while walking to the door. When we got downstairs, I could hear my siblings arguing about what show to watch. They do this every night and it ends with my mom taking the remote and choosing the show for them. I opened the door for him and said bye. He was about to leave but turned around and pulled me into a hug. His arms wrapped around my waist, my arms around his neck. We stayed like that for a few seconds before I let go. I don't know why I did because I wanted it to last longer. He waved bye and I closed the door. I turned around and saw my mom standing there while smirking.
" Well I see that he did help you after all " She said.
" I told him about Aiden " I said causing her smirk to quickly disappear. She immediately pulled me into a extremely tight hug. She let go and I didn't say anything, just walked upstairs. I could hear my mom sigh as I reached the top step. I closed my door behind me and flopped down on the bed. I plugged my phone in, turned my lamp off, and got under the covers. It wasn't even ten yet but I was tired and ready for this day to be over. There was a soft knock on my door causing me to roll over and groan. Whoever it was opened my door and walked in. The door quietly closed so I thought maybe they had left but I felt someone on my bed. Who am I about to kill.
" Goodnight Haleigh " I head Eli whisper. My anger immediately faded away but it was still a little bit there since he is currently crawling around my bed to get on the other side of me then under the covers. He finally settled down and we both fell asleep. He fell asleep before me because I could hear his soft snores before I drifted off.

The next thing I remember is being woken up by my loud alarm. I quickly shut it off and made sure I shut it off this time. It's only Wednesday, how has so much happened this week in two days. I rolled onto my other side and see that Eli was gone. Mom probably came in and got him last night or this morning. My mom walked in and looked at me, laying in bed still. I held my arms up and she got the message. She walked over and grabbed my hands, pulling me up so I was now sitting in bed.
" Let's go, you have gotten through almost half the week, let's get through the other half." I looked at her for a few moments before she walked out. I stood up from my bed then went to get ready for the day.

I went downstairs and saw my dad at the table. I was surprised cause he would usually still be sleeping.
" Good morning Haleigh, your mom has some important things to do this morning so I'll be driving you to school " He said. I grabbed the pop tarts from the cabinets then debated on whether I should eat pop tarts or cereal. Nah, pop tarts are better. I put the box back and ate my pop tarts then waited for everyone else to finish their breakfast.
" Time to go, lets go or you guys will be late " My mom said while rushing us out the door.
" We have a surprise for you guys after you get home " She said. Now I'm gonna be curious about it all day, great.

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