Chapter 12

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Carson POV

I stared at the closed door, unsure of what had just happened. Why is my dad relevant in this situation. 

" Carson, what the hell was that about " Haleigh asked. I shook my head and turned around. She had curiosity in her eyes, asking me to tell her what I knew. But, I didn't know anything either. She continued to stare at me but I turned my attention to whatever my eyes would lay on. Eventually, she sighed and walked away from me. 

I waited till she was back in the house before I turned towards the door and banged my fist on it. I'm not going to let him shut me out again " She's gone so open the door right now, I'm not playing around with you anymore Ethan " I said loud enough for him to hear me. 

I heard shuffling before the door swung open. I immediately was met with his cold expression. I don't understand how so much has changed in less than half an hour. 

" I thought the door slamming shut was a clear sign to leave me alone " he said. 

" Well I was never good at reading signs so tell me what the hell happened with your dad " I asked. I knew I was going to regret asking that when I saw the anger in his eyes at the mention of his dad.

" How about you ask your own dad what happened " he said raising his voice, " he's the reason all of this started in the first place. I could still be living a happy life but your dad and my mom didn't want that to happen. If we never met, this wouldn't have happened. Our parents wouldn't have had an affair, my mom wouldn't have left, my dad wouldn't have turned into a hateful man, and I wouldn't be standing here having this conversation with you. Just leave me alone Carson, for good this time. "

He slammed the door shut again without another word. I was now more confused than to begin with. I walk back to my house and immediately run up to my room, ignoring Haleigh as she called my name. 

I sat on my bed and processed what Ethan had told me. He just said that his mom had an affair with my dad then blamed it on our friendship. I'm not sure if he meant it or not but it hurt. He shut me out again, possibly permanently this time.  Mt parents were coming to visit in a two days so I'm going to ask my dad about it. This might be why he made us suddenly move almost two years ago. 

This is all too much, I came here for a break and new start. Instead, old problems are coming back to bite me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2019 ⏰

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