Meeting Luke

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*Josh POV*
I can't believe Luke's her mate, Luke is a big player. I hate him. If he ever breaks her heart.....I swear I will.......

*Angels POV*
I can tell Josh hates him, I know he does and I hope he don't break my heart. I hope or I'll have a dead alpha mate on my hands. I'm walking through deep in thought when Josh growled, he was shifted so my grandma could ride on him. My grandma normally rides my grandpa but he wanted to walk next to me to meet him.
Josh growled, I looked up and saw Luke was shifted, he bared his canines.
"Shift."Luke didn't budge," Luke I said shift. When I say shift I mean it," Luke listened. He walked over half way to me, I walked the other half way.
"Hey beautiful. " Luke twirled me into a hug, I giggled and blushed. Luke laughed, he put me down, my grandpa put a hand on my shoulder.
"Luke, so you are my granddaughters mate?" Luke nodded and shook his hand, Josh still didn't like this situation. I think he didn't like it more because i was becoming alpha and  Luna, Josh nodded his head as a hello and Luke did, too.

My grandpa had suggested a run to the waterfall, Luke stayed on my left and Josh on my right, my grandpa next to Josh. I ran faster as we reached the waterfall, they picked up to my speed and Luke ahead just a bit since he was a alpha already. I tried to hide but because of my white fur and blue eyes, I could easily be spotted, I can't play wolf hide and seek well at all. Josh and Luke are both midnight black wolves, their fur looks and feels like silk, and to top it off, they are fluffy, too. Josh hates when I call him fluffy, I call him a fluffy pup and it is funny watching him tackle me, yet I win.

We reached the waterfall, everybody shifted but Josh, i played a bit. "Hey fluffy, shift. Come on, please." I batted my eyelashes at him, when he growled at his nickname I felt Luke stiffen. I put my hand on top of his, he relaxed a bit. Later, I got bored so i got up and started walking up to the top the water fall, Luke's head tilted and Josh got up to followed me. I backed up, when i reached the top, started running towards the edge and in the middle of my jump I shifted. I shot up high in the air as i cannon balled, Josh dove under me, while shifted, and pulled me under. Him and me both shifted under water, getting our clothes soaking wet, we laughed while grandma scowled at us. Luke got a text around ten saying he has to go because of some baking explosion at his house, he said his mom was over and a cake exploded in the oven and he needed to help clean up; I smirked as he got up and he ruffled my hair. I nipped at his hand, i got him the second time and after that he shifted and ran.

*Lukes POV*

All week i kept hearing about a stupid Romeo and Juliet play, that's going on Friday night. I was walking to the teachers lounge, when i walked in the librarian and drama teacher were talking about it; I heard Angel's name while they were talking, my wolf growled slightly at that. "Umm...excuse me but who are the  lead roles in the play everybody's talking about?" They looked at me suprised that i didn't know, I would love to be able to tell them who Angel was to me about now. "OH! Angelina Foster and Kyle Caine are the leads, their really good actors and I can't wait until lunch. I heard they are practicing the final scene, the kissing scene." The drama teacher said, obviously dramatically, I felt my eyes darken and canines push through a bit. I left there, I saw Angel jumping up and down with acouple of her friends by my classroom; I walked by her grabbing her arm in the process, stearing her to my classroom. "Why did you-" Her voice drifted away when she saw my face, I wanted to shift and find Kyle, show him who she belongs to and with that thought i felt her hand on my cheek, calming me down.  


Kyle is the third in command and mate less wolf, also her cousins best friend and respected by the pack. I will be saying pack meaning reservation, too.

Angelina POV

"I just found out, Luke. Yes, i have to kiss Kyle, but only a peck on the lips type of kiss." I saw Lukes black eyes go to brown again, he held one of my cheeks in his hand, as he leaned down towardsme . He kissed me lightly at first, the kiss deepened and I was pushed up against a desk, before the kiss went way too far for school appropriate, i pulled away. The kiss wasn't school appropriate in the first place but hey, he was my mate, so I let him have alittle control in the way he kisses me. Luke whimpered when i pulled away, He opened the door for my exscape, but not with a see you later kiss on the cheek. 

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