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"What the!" Ally came into the living  and found me choke holding Noah and Luke groaning up against the wall. "Ally, Angel beat me up." Luke whined, Noah gave a thumbs up because I was still holding him. " Angel, let go of my mate for one, two, what did these wolves do?" I had to let go at that point, I was laughing really hard and Ally joined in. We got the guys on the couch with ice packs, I accidentally heel kicked them a few times  around their stomach.

"They ate all the cookies and cupcakes we made this morning." Ally's face dropped, those were for all the pups because they were doing so well at public school.  Ally went up behind the guys and smacks them hard on the head. Noah groaned louder and Luke cringed an ow. " And I will go get the pain pills. And maybe some cold wash towels for your heads." They layed back on the couches, I walked out and gave the guys their pills and cold towels. The guys managed to eat 50 cookies and 100 cupcakes, the cupcakes were for everyone and now for no one.

-----1 hour later--------

"ooooohhhhhhhhhhhh Angel, ally." Noah and Luke's stomachs hated them, their wolves hated them, too. We tried not to laugh but hey, they ate tons of sugar.

"Karma is a Bee-Otch isn't it, now lay back down and be quiet. " I said to them, Ally smirked, she layed on the couch with noah and rubbed his stomach or as he called it, his tummy. He relaxed, both of them falling asleep in the process. Now I know you may be wondering where the kids are, their staying at the pack house for a couple of weeks,  house is getting a add on for more room.

I layed down next to Luke and did the same thing, he relaxed but didn't fall asleep. Him and I layed there, on the long couch,  just cuddling and it would have been better if we were alone but I wasn't complaining. We barely ever get quiet and alone time together.

--------next morning-------
Luke's POV

I woke up to some one kissing me, I peeked one eye open to find an Angel looking at me from above....she was sitting on top of me. "Well of course I'm an angel, look at me." Dang she read my mind again, she chuckled and got off me. I whimpered but followed my Angel to a table full of food, I was surprised I am hungry after last night.

After about three maybe four plates, Noah and I went out to train the pups for awhile. "Hey, about you and I get the girls to go clubbing tonight. " Noah said as we made our way to the house, I nodded my head when we were walking in.

"Hey girls,  why dont we go clubbing at 'Canines' tonight?" Noah walked into the living room as he said that, Ally agreed right away and Angel seemed hesitant.

"Angel,  what wrong?" Angel was sitting at the table staring off into space. " Yeah, it's just......last time I went there something bad happend.  I was dating this one wolf for a year and I had known him since third grade. He was sucking a girls face off when I saw him, I heard him call her babe and she......." She stopped, a tear ran down her face,  she looked at me and said. ".......I don't want you to do that to me." I knew what she meant, I might get drunk and cheat, but I promised I wouldn't get that drunk again.

cue spongebob narrater voice

-------3 hours later-------

Ally came down the stairs in black tight jeans and a purple silk form fitting top, she is good looking in that. Next Angel, she came down in a black tight skirt and a red tank top that also was showing off her shape. She got whistles from both me and Noah, Ally laughed at her blush.

what happens next? you will see tomorrow. 

Luna angel, out (salute)

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