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Luke and I went for a run after dinner. He kept playfully nudging me on the way home. I saw my grandpa sitting on the porch watching us smirk as he read my mind. Luke turned away for a minute and I took my chance.  I leaped on him pinning him. He took not time though to swipe my leg and pinn me back. Luke was staying the night with me and my wolf loving it. So was I but that just means I would be moving in with him soon. Like after schools ends since its my last year to go.

Luke's POV

I am currently waiting for Angel to come out of the bathroom. I was gonna mark her tonight so when she comes tomorrow with me to my pack and introduce her to  everyone she will be mine. She walks out in a big shirt and hug me, I lean down and kiss her passionately,  she kisses back harder wanting more. I lick  her bottom lip for permission, she excerpts and the kiss turn into a heated make out session. Around  five minutes later I feel my control slipping. I throw her on the bed and begin kissing down her jaw. We both were only in undergarments. I kissed her shoulder until she moaned.  I found her mark spot, I kissed her shoulder again and I felt my canines grow.

Angelina POV

He kissed my shoulder and I moaned. He found my sweet spot, He kissed the spot again. His canines scraped my skin, they went for the spot and his canines broke skin. To mark someone the guy must transfer some of his DNA to me so the mark is made and he cleans the bite by licking it to heal. He must take some of my blood to make the bind stronger and unbreakable. Luke licked my shoulder and once he cleaned it up his lips found mine again. To mate we must do it to complete the mate process, but that can for sure wait.

I woke up with  my legs tangled in Luke's, I looked up to see a cute sleeping boy. He looked peaceful and innocent that way, he was to cute. " Take a picture, last longer." I  jumped slightly, he laughed. " Didn't know you were awake. Want some food? Its already nine." Right on cue my stomach growled, Luke nodded in agreement. I went down stairs and started making a omelette for Luke and eggs for me. I heard a growl come from behind me, I turned to see a very pissed grandpa. Luke walked down the stairs at the worst time ever. My garndpa grabbed him by the throat and throw him into a wall. Luke realized what was going on and his eyes turned black. "Luke! No!"

cliff hanger
I will update tomorrow,  it's just my cousins are in town and im out until night. so I dont update. promise tomorrow. 

peace out minions

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