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Angels POV

"Noah?" I was looking at my human friend, or so I thought was. He took one look at my face and dropped his head in shame; Ally, Noah, Luke and I were all in our back yard. I began thinking of all things I told him, things that no one, not even he should know. He knows the way I think, the way I handle things and even the way I hate being be trade. Ally and Luke stared between him and me, he just held his head in shame. 

"When?" He looked confused,  " When were you gonna tell me you were one, or at least half one?" My voice broke at the end, I felt tears running down my cheeks. Luke questioned Ally but she didn't know, Lucas tried to talk to Angel but she was sobbing to loud to notice.

" Angel, I was going to, I was, trust me on that. I just wanted to find you in the summer but I couldn't bring myself to. Please, I hate to see you cry Angel, I never meant to betray you." Noah put a hand on my shoulder and Luke growled but let him. I looked up into his big brown eyes and sighed in defeat, he smiled his perfect, crooked smile. "I think we should tell our mates how we know each other." He nodded, we went inside and sat in the living room. Luke and Ally on the couch, Noah and I on the other one. Noah asked if I wanted to tell them and I started.

"Noah and I met in third grade, him and me are best friends. He would cause trouble with me, play football and soccer with me, too. He would protect me from jocks and the sluts, hahaha, he would even protect me against older guys,too. He was and I think still will be protective of me over everything. Before I had to tell him where I was going just in case he had to find me, even if I was with family. He would protect me and I would protect him, I even told him things no one, not even my mom and dad, knew. When ever I had a bad day he would follow me to my cave and sit there hugging me until I was okay, and when I was mad he would follow me even if I would protest." Ally looked overjoyed that I loved Noah, Luke on the other hand was fighting Lucas. Noah noticed and stiffened, good thing I can connect to him. 'He won't kill you Noah if you scoot away and I go sit on his lap' He got the message and Ally switched with me, Luke protectively put an arm around my waist and Ally glared the it's-a-good-thing-their-friends look. Noah looked at me and I motioned from Luke's arm to his but then I held my hand as if to say lightly. Luke would attack if it looked like he was taking Ally away and it's a good thing his phone went off. He had to go home, he hugged Ally and hesitantly looked at me. I ran into his arms happily. "You have to listen to me now, ha ha ha." He used to listen to me like I was a queen, I love that joke. "Yes your royal majesty, I bow to you." He did a little bow before running off laughing. Ally looked confused and Luke was shaking his head annoyed.

Noah came on the rez almost everyday to hang with Ally, he hung out with just me or both of us sometimes. Ally understood that he is my best guy friend and that I could hang out just him and me when she was busy. Noah liked that idea, the first thing we did together was go for a run to my cave. He is a caramel wolf with beautiful, big light brown eyes, he was a bit bigger then Ally. Ally is eight feet tall while Luke and I are twelve, Noah is ten feet tall. He blends in perfectly to the leaves, him and me stayed shifted and kept running off the waterfall for a couple hours. He lay ed on my cushions as I painted him next to Ally on my Family wall side of the cave. I have my parents, Luke and his parents, Ally and now Noah. I have a painting of me on top of the cave staring down on anyone  who's in the cave, protecting them. Noah also met Streak while on the mountain side with me, Streak likes Noah. Partially because he protected me when he couldn't, I think that's what he said anyways.

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