You know I love you

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Luke's POV

Angel didn't come home until midnight last night. She isn't even talking to me nor Josh.  Josh tried to hug her, I did and she still shoved out of our way.

"Angel?  Can you make me some dinner please? I can't cook Mac &Cheese, Please?" She shook her head, I heard Lucas say whats with her comment and she qas shaking the next moment.

" You think I'm going to be your personal chef like always? Not anymore! I am no tool as you think! I am your mate your mate and I would really hate to say was. I can't believe you think I am your personal chef. Well think again." I had tears flowing, I ran to my room locked the door. I heard Luke yell my name, I slid down next to the door crying.

Josh came around noon and tried to get me out but failed.  My grandma came after that, she got me to open the door. "Honey, Luke didn't mean it that way and you know it. Please forgive him, it hasn't been three hours that he'd known why and he is moping around. And don't get me started on Josh." She kissed my forehead before walking out of the room.

----------4 hours later----

I sat in my office when I called Luke and Josh to come here. They came in and sat on the couch looking like they stole candy from a candy store (kid stealing candy from anywhere reference) . I slowly walked across the room and sat on Josh's lap, I hugged him with my head in the crook of his neck. He was too happy for words and kissed me on top of my head, I laughed and got off. I sat on Luke's lap next but didn't hug him, I kissed his cheeks and forehead until I got to his lips. I dismissed Josh through mind link, not wanting to break the kiss. 

I woke up tangled in Luke's arms and legs, he looked so inoccent and sweet when he was sleeping. To bad he isn't that innocent, I also noticed he isn't that strict until we go of the territory. Then he is a mean, strict, bossy guy to all the humans. If I wasn't his mate I sure wouldn't go near him until I was on the reservation.  I look at  my phone and it read 4:30. Wow I'm up early, oh well. Luke grumbled a whats wrong but I just said okay. Before he went to sleep I heard the words that I live for. "You know I love you." He doesn't think I heard, I heard loud and clear." You know I love you,  too." I blacked out after that and feeling good.

short, I know. I waited until late to start writing and I am very tired. My thumbs hurt from typing on my phone, too. Update as soon as possible. I realized I cant stick to a update promise so ill just go with updating as soon I can.

Luna out (salute)

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