Advantage my butt

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Angels POV

I woke up and seen (saw) Luke smiling at me, I stuck my tongue out childishly and he laughed very loudly. Josh woke up startled, throwing me forward in the process and you won't guess who had a laugh about that? Yeah, Luke. His face was a tomato he was laughing so hard, Josh also got a kick out of it. I growled as I went inside to the kitchen, they want a laugh, I'll give them a laugh.

I was eating my omelette when the boys came in the kitchen. They pouted when they saw I only cooked for me, Angel laughed as I did. My eyes darkened as I laughed, so did the boy's eyes as they growled. Lucas and Joshua (Josh's wolf) took over only to glare at me. "What boys? If think laughing at me was okay, then your  wrong. Make your own breakfast,  peasants." I thought they would be nice, but they are far from nice.

------Four hours later----

" Why are the boy's wolfs surfaced?" They shot me glares, my grandpa walks in on the wrong times. " Josh woke up because of Luke laughing and he flung me forward. I cooked breakfast for only me because they thought it was so funny." He nodded and said it wasn't fair to be so harsh about it and I could have just made them say sorry. They smirked but I wasn't backing down so quickly. >:)

I walked into my bedroom to find Luke sitting there waiting for me, I just came back from train in the pups around noon. He came up behind me and snaked his arms around my waist. "You could stay here a little while,  I could go for some kisses right about now." He bent down but at the everyday second I moved. He looked very confused at the fact I wouldn't kiss him. " You think I'm going to kiss you after that little  stunt this morning? Especially with Lucas and Joshua? You are wrong." I snapped, he looked stunned that I snapped at him, why wouldn't I?

---Dinner 6pm------

Josh came around and gave me a hug for cooking, he was taken back that I didnt hug him back.

" I already said this to Luke. You think I am going to hug you after that little stunt this morning? Especially with Lucas and Joshua? Well, you are wrong." My grandpa,  grandma,  Kyle and Luke were all in the kitchen, too. Luke held his head in shame, everyone else looked confused.

I left that blow up and went for a run to my cave. I heard my phone go off, facebook, and that's when I saw Luke had put a picture of me and the cookies I happen to bake to earlier. Why's that bad? He put  "I love when she cooks and bakes, it's like I have my own chef but she's a personal one. Yum!" I growled at personal chef, is that all I am to him. A DA- Dang personal chef! I promised myself I would calm down with cursing. 'He will suffer the consequences. Him and Josh' Angel said darkly, Josh happens to like it and said: "I think that way, too". I growl and end up seeing red, that means I could kill easily. I will go see Streak for a bit, he always calms me down.

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