Juliet and a dead Romeo

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*Lukes POV*

Today is Friday, I swear if I hear about the kissing scene for tonights play one more time, Romeo is going to get his arse  kicked. Kyle may be a Beta, but I am a alpha so if he don't respect me I can get him in trouble. Angel has been hanging around me less and less because of the play, she stays after almost everyday to practice and when she is free she's tired. UUUGGHH! I'm at my desk listening to Kyle talk about how he is kissing Angel tonight and how good she is, I am trying to stay focused on my papers i have to grade. Trying, he's talking so loud about it,too. When he shows up black and blue for the play, don't blame me, I already warned him about kissing my girl. That also reminds me, I need to mark Angel before he does it for me.

-----At the play-------

Angels POV

I was back stage getting my dress on when I felt arms wraapp around my waist, I froze in my spot. "Can't wait to kiss you, me dear Juliet." Kyle whisper made me shiver, I know why he's doing this; he has liked me since 8th grade. I walk out on stage as i start saying my lines, I spot a tense Luke in the way back corner and he doesn't look happy. "Oh, Romeo, I love you." I say my last line, Kyle leans in and presses his lips to mine. I count in my head to five until I pull away, Kyle looks at me with hunger. I hear the crown clap, but all I can do is run off stage to get Luke. I quickly changed and as I was running around the corner, I was shoved up the wall; Kyle was all I could smell. His lips rough on mine, his tongue tried to enter my mouth but instead of closing my mouth, I bit his tongue and hard. He yelped jumping back and I screamed Luke's name, he came running around the corner, straight to me. He held me until I was calm. I looked around to find Kyle had gone home, home, a horrible word right now. 

I walked into the living room to find everyone there, I stood in front of the tv and asked to speak. "Get out of the way of the tv, the games on." Kyle complained, I stayed in my place, standing my ground. "Well Beta, I am so sorry to interrupt your little game but I want to speak so shut your trap." My grandpa told my I could speak and the reaction I got was funny. "Why now? Why don't you want to stay here for the night? What happened?" My grandpa and Josh were throwing out questions left and right. "I don't feel safe, Kyle pinned me to a wall and tried to make out with me, or at least i call what he did a form of rape, but what ever floats your boat." ( That meta4 is so cheesy, haha, see what i did there. A true divergent fan would)  Josh took no time at all to shove Kyle up against the wall and give him a black eye, grandpa said Kyle will be punished and that I could spend the night at Luke's for ONE night. Yes, he did exaggerate the word one very well.

Luke arrived no later than six, the play had been from two to four pm. Everyone had no school that day, so we could set up. Luke drove to his house first, I didn't mind, I was okay (TFIOS reference) with not knowing anyone. 

"Lukey is that your mate with you?" I heard a voice come from what seems the kitchen, I look up at a red faced Luke. He was adorable when he blushed, his perfect lips and- 'Get those thoughts out of my head' my wolf was giving me those thoughts. He chuckled, 'remember. I will mark you soon, so I would get used to those thoughts.'  Luke's voice rang through my head. "Yes mom, this is Angelina. Angel, this is my mom." I see a middle aged woman, with dark brown curly hair and she wearing a ankle length blue dress. "I am so glad your my sons mate, a natural born leader, please, call me Kate." She hugged me and i hugged back, I heard squeals of laughter and Luke pinched his nose. I saw two teenage girls, both brown hair and eyes, wearing matching bathing suits that were wet. " Angel, the shorter one is Abby and the taller one is Rachel, their my sisters and their both 14. Girls you obviously know who this is, now can you go." Luke seemed irritated, Rachel and Abby shouted merry christmas before going upstairs. I could tell this was going to be an interesting night.


Abby and Rachel are based off my friends Abby and Rachel, personality and randomness are going to be same as they really are. I know my friend Abby is reading this right now. Abby message me, I forgot your name for wattpad.  Minions message/comment some events that could happen, I will update tomorrow night. 

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