Chapter 20

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We all looked at each other nervously. Who was at the door?

We heard footsteps and they were getting closer and closer. A man, who was about Kit's height, with greyish brown hair, walked in.

"Everyone, this is Tomas. He's an expert on werewolves and was an ex-member of the Edison Group." Kit introduced him.

"Hello everybody." He greeted. We all murmured a hi. He took a seat and i felt Derek tense.

Derek, it's okay

Yeah. I need some air though


"We'll be right back, Chloe isn't feeling good." Derek said.

I followed him up and out the back door.

He motioned for me to sit next to him on the patio chair.

"Look, no one can expect me to feel okay about him being here." He started.

"And no one does. It takes time." I helped.

He nodded and stared off into the forest. I moved closed to him and took his hand. On instinct, he wrapped his arms around me and adjusted me so i was sitting on his lap.

"Thanks." He whispered.

"Your welcome. And maybe he can help us out when the baby is born and all, since its gonna be a werewolf." I whispered back.

"Maybe." Was all he said.

I smiled and leaned in closer. "Your gonna be a great dad." I murmured. He chuckled and straightened.

"We should head back." I nodded and got up, with him by my side walking in the house.


"So Kit, i see the two have reunited." Tomas explained. We all gave him a funny look.

"Who?" Simon asked.

"Actually, Tomas-"

"Tori and Simon of course. Nothing like brother-sister love. You guys were adorable when you were little babies." He exclaimed.

"What?" They both said.

"You guys look so much like your father here."

"I have a father." She spit. "And it's not him."

"And Tori isn't my sister." Simon explained. Kit looked down.


"She isn't even related to me." Simon sneered.

"Son, look there's a lot you two don't understand about-" Kit began.

"Its true?!" Tori exploded.

"Tori, sweetheart, please calm down, it-" my aunt Lauren tried to calm her. But she only jumped up and raced out of the room.

"Dad?" Simon asked slowly. "Is it true?"

"Yeah, it is." Kit looked down to his plate, it was evident his eyes held remorse and guilt.

Simon didnt say another word and stared out the window.

"Okay, Simon and Derek, come with me. We need to talk." Kit said.

Both boys got up, and followed their dad, leaving Tomas, me and my aunt alone.

I couldn't imagine how Tori was feeling right now. Not only did her da betray her and sent her mother to get her, he wasn't even her real father.

"I think i should be going. I'm sorry for-" Tomas started.

"No. It's alright. They both would have found out eventually. You did us a favour, Tomas." My aunt smiled. He gave a small smile back.

"Well, it's getting late. I really should be going. Thank you for dinner." He got up and walked over to my aunt and kissed her cheek.

I looked at my aunt and saw a small blush creep onto her face.

"Someone's got wheels for Tomas...." I joked and made a kissy face at her. She laughed and whacked me with a dish cloth.

"Come one, Ms. Saunders." She gestured towards the mess on the table. I got up and started helping with dishes.

Hey! Ok, this chapter was for my absence this week and not being able to update. The other two will be updated soon, as promised. I hope you all are enjoying this story as much as i am. Let me know how you feel or what you think! Love you all, thanks for reading!


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