Chapter 25

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Okay, so i do admit; sleeping with Tori wasn't the best choice that i made. I was used to her snoring, but now, it seems even worse. And when i say worse, i mean worse. I was up all night cursing Derek and his lovely suggestions. But there's no way I'm giving him the satisfaction.

On top of her sleeping habits, she also likes to close the blinds in the middle of the night. When i wake up, its pitch black, and i cant see anything for crap. So, here i am, walking around the room, like a complete idiot; while Tori is calmly sleeping. I heard a deep laugh.

Do you need my help?

Great. Look who's up.

No, i don't actually

Thats no way to talk to me when your in need of my assistance

The only assistance you could actually give me right now is silence

And thats all i heard. I felt a complete emptiness in my head. Good. Now to find the door. I shimmied across the wall and felt around. I soon felt the iron curves and edges of the door and slowly turned it. Light shined in making the room dimly lit, causing Tori to murmur and toss the pillow across the room.

I snuck out and crept down the hallways. My main mission; was of course, to get to the fridge. I was starving.

I'm guessing no one was up, because i heard no yelling and screaming. Not even the sound of the kettle could be heard. I peeked through the doorway to the kitchen. Yes!

I walked over to the fridge and opened it. Hmmm... What do i want? Oooooh strawberries! I quickly snatched them up and closed the fridge. I must have jumped ten feet in the air, because the strawberries spilt everywhere; and there stood Derek with a blank look plastered on his face. I glared at him and then looked back at all the red berries on the floor.

"You wont die." He simply said. I turned away and walked to the pantry.

"No, but you will." I grumbled to my self. I felt his warm breath on my neck and i shivered.

"I love you, but sometimes you really piss me off, Chloe." He turned me around and kissed me ever so slowly. I took his shirt and pulled him closer, wanting more than what he was giving.

"You have to stop." He said quietly, i almost couldn't hear it.

"No, i don't want to." And i kept kissing him. Soon, i was on the countertop and my shirt was riding up. I heard a door slam and quickly wrapped my arms around Derek. He laughed, then set me down. He started going through the cabinet, searching for food. Simon walked in.

"Morning." He said tiredly and rubbed his eyes.

"Morning." I returned.

"Whats wrong?" He said.

"I shared a room with Ms.Victoria." I shrugged and got a glass of orange juice.

"Say no more." We both laughed.

"Oh, my dad and your aunt went shopping this morning. They said they should be back around noon." He stated.

"Whats for breakfast? I'm starving." Looks like Tori was up.

"Why don't we change it up a little, you make breakfast and we sit down and watch you, for a change." Simon twisted.

"How about you make me breakfast and i don't wax your eyebrows in your sleep."

"Really? That the best-"


They all looked at me.

Chloe and Derek- A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now