Untitled part

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Chapter 51

We both took a big breath and continued walking to the living room. I could hear Derek's heart beating rapidly. I took his hand and intertwined our fingers together. He gave me a little smile and squeezed my hand.

When we entered the living room, we saw my aunt, Kit, Derek's dad and mom sitting with the girls, Simon, Tori, Nathan, and Cole. They all looked at us, including the girls.

They were so adorable. One of them, i assume was Ally. She was a spitting image of Derek and their Dad. She had pitch, black hair and the famous Souza green, emerald eyes. She was wearing faded jeans and sneakers.

Then there was Jade. She looked like her sister but with hazel eyes. She was wearing a cute white dress with sandles and here hair in pig tails.

"Derek, Chloe, we'd like you to meet Ally and Jade. Jade, Ally..." Derek's dad motioned them to get up and say hi. Jade was eager and smiling, running over and hugging her brother. Because Derek was so tall, she made it to his waist. Derek was kind of shocked, but bent down and hugged her back.

"My name's Jade. You're my new brother, right?" She beamed. Derek gave her a little smile and nodded.

Ally made her way to Derek also, a little more cautious.

"Hi, I'm Ally." She said quietly and gave a little wave.

She's just like you

I mind linked Derek. He looked at me and laughed.

"This is Chloe, my mate." He introduced me.

Jade rushed over and gave me a bear hug and i shook Ally's hand. They both looked at my stomach and then at me.

Everyone looked at me.

"Yeah, I'm pregnant." I said. Jade looked at me funny.

"What does 'pregnant' mean?" She asked.

I laughed and leaned down. "It means i have a little person growing and living inside of me." She looked in awe.

We stayed up with them for a couple hours and they became acquainted with us.

"I bet you girls are tired, Derek and I can show you to your rooms if you want."

"Yeah, I'm pretty tired. Thanks." Ally said. They both said goodnight to their parents and everyone else and followed us upstairs.

"There's two rooms set up for you girls, i have no idea how this works so you can each choose which one you want." Derek tried.

I laughed and showed Ally her room first. It had purple accents, and Jade has pink. I have no idea what Ally was into, she was thirteen, but i was into some pretty weird things when i was thirteen. I got rid of my stuffed animals when i was 14; like i said i was weird. Hitting high school gave me one hell of a wake up call.

Derek was saying goodnight to Jade and i was working on Ally.

She was looking around the room and set her bags down.

"So, how do you like your room? If you don't like something about it, let me know and i can change it-"

"Its fine." She interrupted. "I like it."

"Alright. And hey, i know it's hard. I used to move around a lot. My dad never settled in one place, and we were always moving around. I'm glad you have the opportunity to meet your brother, and if there's anything i can do to make your stay more comfortable, please let me know. Good night Ally." I was kinda nervous to go in for a hug, so i just put my arm around her shoulders.

She surprised me by putting both her arms around me. I smiled to myself.

"Maybe we can go shopping sometime later this week." I knew i was pushing it, but it was worth the try.

"But, you're pregnant."

"Im still able to walk. Let me know what you think. Goodnight." I said.


I left the room and made my way to me and Derek's room. I had already said goodnight to Jade. She was cute and loving. She was really excited about the baby and asked me so many questions about it.

I sat down on our bed and just rest my head against the cushioned headboard.

What a very long day. It was fun though meeting his sisters.

I slowly drifted off into a nice sleep.

"Having fun?" A voice asked.

I looked around suddenly. No one was here.

"This was what you wanted, wasn't it? A perfect life." It was my mother's voice, but it sounded menacing.

"Miss me Chloe?"

This was not my mother.

"Come on, figured it out yet? Scared? I can hear your heart racing."

I looked around again, silence.

I got up and had a sharp pain in my stomach. I screamed and wobbled to the door, but an arm got me first.

"Child birth can be a bitch, I would know because of the bitch i gave birth to."

I swung my arm, in hopes of hitting my assailant, but failed, hitting air.

I heard footsteps and pounding on the door, with yelling.

I screamed again, feeling the severing pain getting worse by the second.

The door swung open and everyone came rushing in. Derek came and tried picking me up, but i slapped his arm.

"It hurts so much, oh my god." I screamed again.

"Chloe, your going through contractions right now, i need you to breathe in and out." my aunt tried calming me down, but there was no calming me down. I just yelled at her multiple times, saying that it hurt.

After 20 minutes of yelling and gripping Derek's hand, i was able to settle down. My aunt had gone to get some epidural because there was no way in hell that i would be doing this natural.

"He's coming Chlo." Derek whispered and rubbed my stomach, which seemed to calm the baby's kicking. I managed to give him a small smile and whimpered again when i felt the next contraction. Tori and Simon were there, encouraging me to calm down and breathe.

At that moment, i looked at all of them and looked back on when i first met each of them and what we had been through. Derek and I were just acquaintances, Simon and I were the closest and almost ended up together, and me and Tori were like sisters now. Overall, Im with Derek, he's the Alpha of a pack, Tori and Simon are half siblings and I'm in the middle of having a baby.

My aunt came back after twenty minutes and administrated the epidural, and everyone was in the room now, including Nathan and Cole.

But it wasn't the baby coming that frightened me, it was Mrs. Enright who quietly stood in the corner eyeing me, cynically smiling while i screamed.

Wow, 25k... Thats amazing. For those of you who are still reading and waiting, can't explain how sorry i am. Been through a lot in the past few months but I'm back and still writing. Super excited about this chapter. Love you guys lots


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