Has anyone seen my keys?

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Serena's POV

"Has anyone seen my keys?!" I called out but my reply, was pin. Drop. Silence.

"Anyone?!" I called out a second time but no one answered –AGAIN!

"No such luck" I muttered to myself as I struggled to put my shoes on.
"I need a new line of work"

It was bad enough that somehow my parents had managed to convince me to stay with them while my new house is being renovated from top to bottom and NOW, I have to deal with a stupid pair of high heels, all because I want to look my best for when I meet up with the contractor in charge of renovating my house!

I know, I know, I sound like a whining child, but you try doing it! Especially after a 2:00am call last night from a patient's family, after said patient thought he could miraculously walk again, resulting in him falling clean off the stairs in his attempt, and instead of calling a doctor or an ambulance, his family thought to call his physiotherapist –me –who had hardly gotten any sleep, thanks to her crazy ass family that kept her up till way past 12:00am!

"Urgh!" I shrieked before tossing the shoe to the farthest corner of my room.

Breathe Rena, breathe.
It doesn't matter that you are awake now after barely four hours of sleep preparing to head to work while the self same family is peacefully asleep...

How does that NOT matter?!

God! I hate my life!

Of course only if you top the fact that two of my brothers decided that it was the best time to come VISIT with their wives and kids that NEVER TIRE OUT!
I'm wide awake, and I'm standing on my own two feet, but it desperately feels like I'm lying vertically on my bed, fast asleep.

Finally putting on the unbearable shoes, I marched down the stairs to the kitchen, and to my second pot of coffee this morning.

"The patient I'm going to see this early in the morning better be worth it" I said to myself as I downed a full mug of coffee.

A thought about Lyonesse crossed my mind.
I rarely get close to patients, but she made herself an exception.
I thought about the fact that after one more session with her, we'd no longer be PT and patient, and I couldn't help but wonder where that left us.

Two people who used to be close?
I know I'm sweating something infinitesimal; I mean she IS in a relationship with my brother Juan Guerra, and that means I'd get to see her from time to time and she can't just because she'll resume her position as CEO, stop relating with the people she used to be friends with. Right..?

It seems like just yesterday, she was having her first session with me after the accident and NOW, she's fully on her feet and even though she hasn't recovered her memory yet, I have a positive feeling that she will soon.

Still, I couldn't help but wonder what that meant for Juan Ignatio.

"Keep staring at that coffee pot; with any luck it may crack" Juan Ignatio –my third eldest brother said from behind me, startling me, and almost making me drop the coffee mug I was holding.

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