He likes me?

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                       Serena's POV

"Do you girls intend to stay in bed forever?" I heard my Mother ask just I was jolted awake by a burst of light flooding my bedroom through the window.

"Levantarse!" She growled before she tugged the duvet off us.
*Get up!

Tomika and I groaned in protestation; Delia remained unmoving.

"Up now!" My Mother yelled one last time before she finally exited the room –muttering something about lazy bones and millennials in Spanish as she left.

"It's our day off! Why can't we sleep in?!" Tomika whined, kicking her legs in frustration.

"Maybe if you'd slept at your place, you'd be able to sleep in" I said groggily as I rubbed my eyes free of sleep.

"Trust you to always be the voice of reason" Tomika spat without heat.

"Will the two of you JUST, SHUT UP?" My cousin Delia growled from the other end of my bed.

"I almost forgot you were here too" Tomika yawned, as I stood weakly to my feet.

"Wait, why is she here again?" Tomika asked after she sat up.

"She came to help me study for my exams remember?" I replied as I stretched.

"No. I don't remember anything after glass of vodka number five" Tomika admitted.

"How do you not have a massive headache?" Delia asked, but the sound was muffled by the pillow she'd placed over her head to block out the sunlight and my Mother's yelling.

"I don't have hangovers" Tomika shrugged. "I'm cool like that" she added as she clambered, ungracefully down my bed.

"I forgot that about you, you lucky bitch" Delia bit out as she finally got off the bed. "Do you think we can make her suffocating under a pillow look like an accident?" Delia asked me as the three of us got to work arranging the bed.

"I'd be the first suspect since I'm her best friend, so no" I answered.

"Bummer" Delia sighed.

"I'm standing right here" Tomika reminded us as she tucked in her side of the bed.

"Weeeeeee knooooooow" Delia and I said in an imitation of the voice of a ghost in the horror movie we'd watched the previous night.

We both laughed when Tomika made a face; horror movies are not her forte.

"I'll take a shower first; unlike you guys, I only have the morning off" Delia announced as she headed into my bathroom.

"We'd best go see about our own breakfast, since the rest of the house will have already eaten" I said to Tomika.

Together we went downstairs and got breakfast started –my twin nieces keeping us company, and making sure our conversation was never without the incoherent mumblings of two two year olds. By the time we were done, Delia was out of the shower, fully dressed for work, and had packed the overnight bag she came with. As she sat down to a late breakfast with Tomika, I went back upstairs to take a shower and wash my hair. By the time I returned, the twins had gone off to bother someone else, and my brother Juan Mata was telling Tomika and our cousin Delia a very funny story.

"Shouldn't you be at work somewhere M?" I asked as I stepped into the room.

Their laughter faded.

"Rena. Was showing a client the last house on this street, so I thought I'd stop by and say hi" Juan Mata thought to explain.

"The Caliente's are selling? They've lived there for ages!" Delia exclaimed, nearly knocking over a mug.

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