Has Aunt Olivia gone deaf or something?

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                        Cassius's POV

It was raining cats and dogs.
Ugh! Just what I fucking needed!

I pounded on the large oak door for the umpteenth time: am I going to be here all night?
I considered going back into my car but I was already soaked through, and all I'd achieve, is soaking my car seat as well.
If I go back to my car, it'd have to be to drive back home; and THAT option, is off the table –I can't have come all the way here for nothing!
I need answers!

Has Aunt Olivia gone deaf or something?
Has she moved out?

Can't say I blame her really; I wouldn't be too keen either to go open my door for someone in the middle of a shit storm.

If that person is me, and is getting chilly because he didn't take a jacket appropriate for getting beat by the rain, then she needs to get off her butt and come answer this door!

My phone is in my car because I arrived her house just as the rain started. Smart choice though because my phone would have been toast if it was out here with me.

I pounded on the door again when I spotted a woman in the house across the street peering at me through her slightly parted curtains; I didn't want to look suspicious.
Especially since it was past midnight –by my count –and I was standing in front of her neighbour's door in the pounding rain.

She better not try anything stupid like: call the police.
When I surreptitiously glanced at the window she was peering out from, she was gone –thank God...

Until you hear the sirens.

I should go; this was a futile effort.
At least in the future, I'll learn how to check the weather report before going on an “adventure”.
Plus I should have called before hand.

It wouldn't hurt to knock one last time.

Yeah, you're right.

Turning back to her door, I pounded on it one last time before heading back to my car.

There was no need to sprint, I couldn't get any wetter.


Did you hear that?

I think I'm hearing things now; that wasn't you?

It's not like I'd address you with a name we both share.


OKAY I'm officially sure I'm not imagining that!

I spun around to find my Aunt holding up a small torch, and squinting into the rain.

"Cassius, this is why people call others to inform them that they'll be visiting, and that's why mobile phones were invented!
How long were you out there for, be honest?" Aunt Ollie berated.

"Roughly half an hour" I replied cautiously.

Could have been more; what do I know?

"Sweets! You should have called me when you were out there, or at least given up when you couldn't get me to open the door" Aunt Ollie said from inside the guest room as she prepared a bath.

Boy have I missed being called by that name!

"That's not really my style" I replied from outside the door.

"Is anything?
Reminds me of your just-as-stubborn Mother" my Aunt said as she came out of the room then she patted my cheeks.

"Wrap that blanket tighter around your shoulders boy –don't make me ask twice" she chided as she walked past me and into the kitchen.
"Sit your ass down as well" she added.

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