9pm, Paradiso

19 1 0

Serena's POV

"You're late" Lyon said as I stepped into her apartment.

"That attitude's new. Something happen?" I asked as I took off my shoulder bag from over my head.

"Something happen?
You were supposed to clear me, Friday" Lyon hissed.

So we're back to the bitch she was when we first met?

"I was, until someone fell down the stairs" I reminded.

"It was an accident!" Lyon protested.

"Accidents don't just happen" I refuted, coming to sit beside her on her white couch -I still wonder why she chose that colour.

"Now you sound like my mum" Lyon groaned then she chuckled.

"Well, she did say that a few times when she accosted me at the hospital. Good thing you called the hospital when you fell, and not a certain PT" I pointed out.

"A few?" Lyon groaned.

"Maybe a little more than a few times" I said then we both laughed.

Is she the reason why you won't clear me?" Lyon suddenly asked.

My laughter died.

"Lyon, you FELL down the stairs. And I know that it may not sound like that big of a deal to you, but it sets back your recovery process, and I don't need your Mum to tell me that" I stated.

"How?" Lyon queried.

"Okay, maybe you slipped -I'll give you that -but what if this is a sign that you're not yet ready to be back on your feet? When you get back to work, you're going to be on your feet all day, IN HEELS!
How are you supposed to navigate that, if you can't safely walk down a few stairs?" I pointed out.

"You don't know that!" Lyon protested.

"I do know; I've been doing this job for nearly five years, so I know you're not ready until you are.
Now I know you're primed to get back to work, and kick my brother out, but what kind of physiotherapist would I be if I cleared you without being a hundred percent sure that you're okay?" I asked.

"Well when you put it that way, I guess it makes sense BUT..." Lyon said.

"One month -nothing more" I put out.

"I like how you omitted saying nothing less" Lyon remarked.

"It wasn't an omission.
If I find you ready to hit the road before the time frame, who am I not to clear you?" I asked.

"Well who am I not to be a-oh-kay before the time frame?" Lyon asked.

"You alone?" I asked as I prepared to get back to the business of the day.

"I guess, since it's my place" she replied.

"I thought you were enjoying staying at your parents' place?" I asked sarcastically.

"Are you crazy kidding me? I couldn't get out of there fast enough is more like!
My Mum's paranoia drives me crazy. If I had fallen down the stairs whilst still living with them, she'd have placed me on indefinite bed rest!" Lyon said exasperated.

"What happened anyway? How did you fall?" I inquired absentmindedly.

"Juan Guerra and I were sort of... playing" Lyon replied with a shy smile.

Well that didn't stir warm, fuzzy emotions.

On the stairs?" I wondered.

"It's something couples do, and you wouldn't know because... you don't have a boyfriend" Lyon put in mildly -a sheepish smile on her face.

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